Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Brittisk–irländska regeringskonferensen" in Swedish language version.
” | 8 May 2007: Direct rule over Northern Ireland by Westminster officially ends after almost five years. DUP leader Ian Paisley and Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness are sworn in as First and Deputy First Ministers and take their pledges of office at Stormont, witnessed by British and Irish Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern. | „ |
” | In respect of non-devolved matters issues include: Rights; Policing, including implementation of the Patten Report; Criminal justice; Normalisation of security arrangements and practices; Cross-border security co-operation; Victims of violence; Prison issues; Drugs and drug trafficking; Broadcasting | „ |
” | England, Wales, and Scotland including those adjacent islands governed from the mainland (i.e. excluding the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands). | „ |
” | Långfredagsavtaletsom slöts 1998 innebar med vissa undantag slutet på över 30 år av våld mellan katolska nationalister som vill att britterna ska lämna Nordirland och protestantiska unionister som vill ha kvar unionen med Storbritannien. | „ |
” | Augusti 1969. Ökade sociala och politiska spänningar mellan katoliker och protestanter i Nordirland leder till upplopp. Så inleds, The Troubles (Oroligheterna),. ett lågintensivt inbördeskrig som pågår i 30 år och som kostar över 3 600 människor livet. | „ |
” | 1999-2006 Flera hinder måste övervinnas för att säkra freden. En av de svåraste punkterna är att förmå de väpnade grupperna – främst IRA – att lägga ned vapen. En annan stötesten är överförandet av makt över centrala statliga funktioner från London till Belfast, bland annat polisen och domstolarna. Det nordirländska självstyret kommer att både upphävas och återställa flera gånger under dessa år. | „ |
” | [2010] Februari: Strax före midnatt, natten till den 5 februari, lyckas Peter Robinson få enhälligt stöd från sin partigrupp för en överenskommelse. Därmed tycks ett avtal kunna klara sig igenom Stormont, det nordirländska parlamentet. I så fall kan Nordirland ha en egen polis och eget rättsväsende redan från april. | „ |
” | An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) on Cooperation on Criminal Justice Matters provides the framework for North/South cooperation in this area. It provides for meetings between the Justice Ministers North and South, who receive reports from a Working Group made up of officials from both jurisdictions. | „ |
” | [Recalling] the Agreement Between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland establishing a British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference done at Dublin on 8 March 1999 | „ |
” | [Recalling] the Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland establishing a North/South Ministerial Council done at Dublin on 8 March 1999 | „ |
” | [Recalling] the Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland establishing Implementation Bodies done at Dublin on 8 March 1999 | „ |
” | After 11 weeks of talks at Stormont, this agreement was reached with Northern Ireland’s political leaders, providing a new approach to some of the most difficult issues left over from Northern Ireland’s past. It offers a new start and a far more hopeful future, but will need continued hard work to ensure it fulfils its promise. | „ |
” | 3. (1) It is hereby declared and enacted that, so long as Saorstát Eireann is associated with the following nations, that is to say, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and South Africa, and so long as the king recognised by those nations as the symbol of their co-operation continues to act on behalf of each of those nations (on the advice of the several Governments thereof) for the purposes of the appointment of diplomatic and consular representatives and the conclusion of international agreements, the king so recognised may, and is hereby authorised to, act on behalf of Saorstát Eireann for the like purposes as and when advised by the Executive Council so to do. | „ |
” | 1. The Executive Authority (External Relations) Act, 1936 (No. 58 of 1936), is hereby repealed. | „ |
” | 2. It is hereby declared that the description of the State shall be the Republic of Ireland. | „ |
” | 3. The President, on the authority and on the advice of the Government, may exercise the executive power or any executive function of the State in or in connection with its external relations. | „ |
” | In July 2005, the Irish and British Governments signed the Intergovernmental Agreement on Co-operation on Criminal Justice Matters. This agreement has provided a framework for effective practical co-operation across a wide range of areas including rehabilitation of offenders, probation, forensic science, support for victims of crime, sex offenders and exchange of personnel programmes. | „ |
” | Ön Irland, på iriska Éire, är uppdelad i två politiska enheter: Republiken Irland, som blev en självständig stat 1949, och Nordirland, en brittisk riksdel som ibland något felaktigt kallas Ulster (Ulster omfattar även en del av republiken). Irländska sjön skiljer ön från Storbritannien. | „ |
” | (1) It is hereby recognized and declared that the part of Ireland heretofore known as Eire ceased, as from the eighteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and forty-nine, to be part of His Majesty’s dominions. | „ |
” | (3) The part of Ireland referred to in subsection (1) of this section is hereafter in this Act referred to, and may in any Act, enactment or instrument passed or made after the passing of this Act be referred to, by the name attributed thereto by the law thereof, that is to say, as the Republic of Ireland. | „ |
” | Nordirland, delområde i Förenade kungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland); 13 575 km2, 1,8 miljoner invånare (2013). | „ |
” | Det brittiska parlamentet antog 1920 en lag genom vilken Nordirland fick egen regering och eget tvåkammarparlament med långtgående självstyre. Samtidigt erhöll provinsen representation i det brittiska underhuset. Därefter följde femtio år av ohotat protestantiskt styre, bl.a. sedan man infört ett system med majoritetsval i enmansvalkretsar. Motsättningar mellan protestanterna och den katolska minoriteten ledde till att den brittiska regeringen 1972 införde direktstyre från London. | „ |
” | I avsikt att förebygga inbördeskrig mellan protestanter och katoliker i Irland beslutade det brittiska parlamentet 1920 att dela ön och ge sex grevskap i norr home rule (’självstyre’) med egen regering och ett eget parlament. | „ |
” | Förenade kungariket, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, från 1927 officiell beteckning för den politiska sammanslutningen mellan Storbritannien och Nordirland. | „ |
” | Storbritannien uppstod 1707 då Skottland ingick union med England och Wales, och United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland bildades 1801, ändrat 1922, då Irland delades, till United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. | „ |
” | Éire [eəʹrə], det iriska namnet på republiken Irland. | „ |
” | Enligt författningen (från 1937) är Irland en ”suverän, oberoende, demokratisk stat” med en folkvald president. När författningen antogs sades den omfatta hela Irland, men den skulle i avvaktan på återförening med Nordirland ”tills vidare” gälla i republiken Irland. Det nordirländska fredsavtalet 1998 innebar att republiken gav upp kravet på att Nordirland skulle införlivas i dess territorium. | „ |
” | Each of the six North South Bodies, operates on an all-island basis. While having a clear operational remit, all operate under the overall policy direction of the North South Ministerial Council, with clear accountability lines back to the Council and to the Oireachtas and the Northern Ireland Assembly. | „ |
” | During suspension the Exchange of Notes between the British and Irish Governments on 19 November 2002 (Cmnd 5708), provided for decisions and actions relating to the Implementation Bodies and Tourism Ireland Limited or their respective functions to be taken by the two Governments. The following decisions, up to 1 March 2007, were taken under the Exchange of Notes. | „ |
” | The British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference was designed to replace the Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Council and the Intergovernmental Conference established under the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement. | „ |
” | Mr. Coveney asked the Minister for Finance if he will give details of his participation to date in the All-Ireland Ministerial Council; if he envisages bringing forward proposals for discussion at this forum; and if he will make a statement on the matter. | „ |
” | The island containing England, Wales, and Scotland. The name is broadly synonymous with Great Britain, but the longer form is more usual for the political unit. | „ |
” | Storbritannien, Great Britain, är en besvärlig term. De flesta av oss har en felaktig uppfattning av vad ordet syftar på. Termen hänför sig endast till England, Skottland och Wales, men egentligen inte till Ulster (varför man i officiella sammanhang ser termen ”Storbritannien och Nordirland”). Den syftar inte heller på Isle of Man, som är en separat besittning under brittiska kronan, inte heller på Kanalöarna (Jersey, Guernsey, med flera). Ytterst går beteckningen tillbaka på latinets Britannia, romarnas namn på hela ön. Till detta lade de engelska makthavarna på 1600-talet ordet ”Stor-” för att markera sina all-brittiska politiska ambitioner. Den engelska termen British (”brittisk”) används alltså både geografiskt (”en person från ön Britannien”) och politiskt (”en invånare i Förenade kungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland”). En nationalistisk skotte kan, om han vill, påstå att han är britt (han bor ju på ön) men samtidigt ta avstånd från termens politiska biton och med kraft hävda att han är skotte. | „ |
” | När Irland blev självständigt år 1949 var Sverige ett av de länder som tidigt upprättade diplomatiska förbindelser med landet. | „ |
” | Irland (eng. Ireland; af de keltiske urinvånarna kalladt Erin, Eirin, ”västlandet”, hvaraf grek. Ierne, lat. Ivernia, Hibernia), ett med Storbritannien förenadt konungarike, som omfattar den västligare af de båda stora brittiska öarna och ligger mellan 51° 26′ (Mizen head) och 55° 21′ n. br. (Malin head; Köpenhamns bredd), samt mellan 5° 25′ (Burial head) och 10° 30′ v. lgd (Dunmore head). Ön skiljes från Skottland af Nordkanalen, från England af Irländska sjön och S:t Georgs-kanalen samt omgifves för öfrigt af Atlantiska hafvet. | „ |
” | Storbritannien (eng. Great Britain), ett namn, som brukas i olika betydelser.
1. I geografisk mening: a) (grek. Albion, se d. o., lat. Britannia, se d. o.) den största af de vid Europas västkust belägna Brittiska öarna (se d. o.), omfattande England, Wales och Skottland; b) denna ö jämte åtskilliga till Wales och England hörande små kustöar (Anglesey, Wight, Scilly-öarna m. fl.) och de till Skottland hörande ögrupperna Hebriderna, Orkney- och Shetlandsöarna samt de i statsrättsligt afseende från S. skilda ön Man och Normandiska öarna. Se den till art. hörande kartan. |
„ |
” | 2. I politisk bemärkelse: a) de 1603 i personal-, och 1707 i realunion (United kingdom of Great Britain) förenade konungarikena England (med Wales) och Skottland; b) i dagligt tal den statsunion, som efter Irlands förening med S. sedan 1 jan. 1801 officiellt heter Förenade konungariket S. och Irland (United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland), 121,633 engelska kv.-mil (315,030 kvkm.), med 45,370,530 inv. (1911); utom i särskildt angifna fall afser artikeln i det följande S. i denna mening; c) detta rike och dess utländska besittningar (se nedan, sp. 167), bildande ett världsvälde, som upptar omkr. 1/4 af jordens fastland och öfver 1/4 af hela människosläktet eller närmare bestämdt 13,153,712 eng. kv.-mil (34,068 mill. kvkm.) med 434 mill. inv. (1911), hvaraf endast 60 mill. tillhörde hvita rasen. Detta världsvälde går äfven under namnen British empire ("Brittiska riket") och (f. g. 1868) Greater Britain (se d. o.; "Det större Britannien"). I st. f. S. begagnas, i synnerhet utanför S., namnet England, emedan detta land utgör kärnan i den riksbildning, som af politiska skäl fått namnet S. Invånarna i S. benämnas därför också utanför S. vanligen engelsmän och adjektiven engelsk och brittisk nyttjas där i enahanda betydelse. | „ |
” | Mellan 1966 och 2003 krävde konflikten på Nordirland 3 703 människors liv. Mest känt är sammandrabbningarna under ”Bloody Sunday” i Derry 1972 där 14 civila demonstranter sköts ihjäl av brittiska soldater. Först 2010 bad brittiska staten genom premiärminister David Cameron officiellt om ursäkt för händelserna. | „ |
” | Justice and policing powers will be devolved to Northern Ireland's power-sharing government from 12 April in a historic deal agreed by the main parties that "opens a new chapter" after decades of violence, Gordon Brown said today. | „ |
” | Suspensions resulting in the reimposition of Direct Rule: Following another crisis in the peace process the institutions of the devolved government were suspended by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (then Peter Mandelson) at midnight Friday 11 February 2000. The institutions were reinstated at midnight on Monday 29 May 2000. There was a 'tactical' suspension of the institutions for 24 hours beginning at midnight on Friday 10 August 2001 - John Reid, then Secretary of State, signed the order for suspension. There was another tactical suspension for 24 hours beginning at midnight on Friday 21 September 2001 - again John Reid signed the order. A fourth, indefinite, period of suspension began at midnight on Monday 14 October 2002 (devolved government was not re-introduced until 8 May 2007). | „ |
” | 3. The Conference reviewed recent political developments. Both Governments reiterated their commitment to the implementation of the Agreement as the only way forward and the only viable future for the people of Northern Ireland. It is their determined wish to see devolved Government restored as soon as possible and, in any event, in advance of the scheduled elections. Both Governments believe that a representative Assembly and an inclusive Executive remain the most appropriate form of government for Northern Ireland. | „ |
” | The Conference reviewed progress in implementation of the St Andrews Agreement and towards restoration of the power-sharing institutions by 26 March. | „ |
” | During the suspension of the devolved institutions from midnight on 14 October 2002 to 8 May 2007, the NSMC did not meet. During this period 213 Interim Procedure Decisions were taken by the two Governments under 'The Exchange of Notes' in relation to the Implementation Bodies and Tourism Ireland Limited. | „ |
” | 6. In respect of non-devolved Northern Ireland matters, including any all-island or cross-border aspects, issues include: - rights - policing, including implementation of the Patten Report - criminal justice - normalisation of security arrangements and practices - cross-border security co-operation - victims of violence - prison issues - drugs and drug trafficking - broadcasting. | „ |
” | 7. The Conference noted that either Government could propose other subjects for further study or discussion. | „ |
” | PRIME MINISTER: (Tony Blair) There is not much doubt that the basic and essential deal at the heart of the Good Friday Agreement remains, and that is a total and complete commitment to peace and democracy, in return for a sharing of power in the government of Northern Ireland. | „ |
” | TAIOSEACH: (Bertie Ahern) Thank you very much, Prime Minister, and thank you for having us here today for the meeting of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference and I think this was one of the parts of the Agreement that is very useful because it allows us to deal together as two governments driving forward the agenda and obviously we remain absolutely rock solid in our determination to implement all aspects of the Good Friday Agreement and this forum allows us to go through it. | „ |
” | ARTICLE 1 The two Governments: (i) recognise the legitimacy of whatever choice is freely exercised by a majority of the people of Northern Ireland with regard to its status, whether they prefer to continue to support the Union with Great Britain or a sovereign united Ireland; | „ |
” | ARTICLE 2 The two Governments affirm their solemn commitment to support, and where appropriate implement, the provisions of the Multi-Party Agreement. In particular there shall be established in accordance with the provisions of the Multi-Party Agreement immediately on the entry into force of this Agreement, the following institutions: (i) a North/South Ministerial Council; (ii) the implementation bodies referred to in paragraph 9 (ii) of the section entitled "Strand Two" of the Multi-Party Agreement; (iii) a British-Irish Council; (iv) a British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference. | „ |
” | ANNEX 1 [paragraph 9 "Strand Two" of the Multi-Party Agreement] (ii) Matters where the co-operation will take place through agreed implementation bodies on a cross-border or all-island level. | „ |
” | 3. The Conference will meet as required at Summit level (Prime Minister and Taoiseach). Otherwise, Governments will be represented by appropriate Ministers. Advisers, including police and security advisers, will attend as appropriate. | „ |
” | 5. In recognition of the Irish Government’s special interest in Northern Ireland and of the extent to which issues of mutual concern arise in relation to Northern Ireland, there will be regular and frequent meetings of the Conference concerned with non-devolved Northern Ireland matters, on which the Irish Government may put forward views and proposals. These meetings, to be co-chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, would also deal with all-island and cross-border co-operation on non-devolved issues. | „ |
” | 6. Co-operation within the framework of the Conference will include facilitation of co-operation in security matters. The Conference also will address, in particular, the areas of rights, justice, prisons and policing in Northern Ireland (unless and until responsibility is devolved to a Northern Ireland administration) and will intensify co-operation between the two Governments on the all-island or cross-border aspects of these matters. | „ |
” | 1. Under a new British/Irish Agreement dealing with the totality of relationships, and related legislation at Westminster and in the Oireachtas, a North/South Ministerial Council to be established to bring together those with executive responsibilities in Northern Ireland and the Irish Government, to develop consultation, co-operation and action within the island of Ireland - including through implementation on an all-island and cross-border basis - on matters of mutual interest within the competence of the Administrations, North and South. | „ |
” | 11. The implementation bodies will have a clear operational remit. They will implement on an all-island and cross-border basis policies agreed in the Council. | „ |
” | Enligt författningen (från 1937) är Irland en ”suverän, oberoende, demokratisk stat” med en folkvald president. När författningen antogs sades den omfatta hela Irland, men den skulle i avvaktan på återförening med Nordirland ”tills vidare” gälla i republiken Irland. Det nordirländska fredsavtalet 1998 innebar att republiken gav upp kravet på att Nordirland skulle införlivas i dess territorium. | „ |
” | När Irland blev självständigt år 1949 var Sverige ett av de länder som tidigt upprättade diplomatiska förbindelser med landet. | „ |
” | Ön Irland, på iriska Éire, är uppdelad i två politiska enheter: Republiken Irland, som blev en självständig stat 1949, och Nordirland, en brittisk riksdel som ibland något felaktigt kallas Ulster (Ulster omfattar även en del av republiken). Irländska sjön skiljer ön från Storbritannien. | „ |
” | The island containing England, Wales, and Scotland. The name is broadly synonymous with Great Britain, but the longer form is more usual for the political unit. | „ |
” | 3. The Conference reviewed recent political developments. Both Governments reiterated their commitment to the implementation of the Agreement as the only way forward and the only viable future for the people of Northern Ireland. It is their determined wish to see devolved Government restored as soon as possible and, in any event, in advance of the scheduled elections. Both Governments believe that a representative Assembly and an inclusive Executive remain the most appropriate form of government for Northern Ireland. | „ |
” | The Conference reviewed progress in implementation of the St Andrews Agreement and towards restoration of the power-sharing institutions by 26 March. | „ |
” | During suspension the Exchange of Notes between the British and Irish Governments on 19 November 2002 (Cmnd 5708), provided for decisions and actions relating to the Implementation Bodies and Tourism Ireland Limited or their respective functions to be taken by the two Governments. The following decisions, up to 1 March 2007, were taken under the Exchange of Notes. | „ |
” | 6. In respect of non-devolved Northern Ireland matters, including any all-island or cross-border aspects, issues include: - rights - policing, including implementation of the Patten Report - criminal justice - normalisation of security arrangements and practices - cross-border security co-operation - victims of violence - prison issues - drugs and drug trafficking - broadcasting. | „ |
” | 7. The Conference noted that either Government could propose other subjects for further study or discussion. | „ |
” | PRIME MINISTER: (Tony Blair) There is not much doubt that the basic and essential deal at the heart of the Good Friday Agreement remains, and that is a total and complete commitment to peace and democracy, in return for a sharing of power in the government of Northern Ireland. | „ |
” | TAIOSEACH: (Bertie Ahern) Thank you very much, Prime Minister, and thank you for having us here today for the meeting of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference and I think this was one of the parts of the Agreement that is very useful because it allows us to deal together as two governments driving forward the agenda and obviously we remain absolutely rock solid in our determination to implement all aspects of the Good Friday Agreement and this forum allows us to go through it. | „ |
” | We, the people of Éire, [...] Do hereby adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this Constitution. | „ |
” | Article 2 The national territory consists of the whole island of Ireland, its islands and the territorial seas. | „ |
” | Article 3 Pending the re-integration of the national territory, and without prejudice to the right of the Parliament and Government established by this Constitution to exercise jurisdiction over the whole of that territory, the laws enacted by that Parliament shall have the like area and extent of application as the laws of Saorstát Éireann and the like extra-territorial effect. | „ |
” | Article 4 The name of the State is Éire, or, in the English language, Ireland. | „ |
” | Article 12 There shall be a President of Ireland (Uachtarán na hÉireann), hereinafter called the President, who shall take precedence over all other persons in the State and who shall exercise and perform the powers and functions conferred on the President by this Constitution and by law. | „ |