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Erling Jirle (2012): Världens fågelfamiljer, version 6. 19 februari 2012, läst 2012-03-13. Ny version, Världens fågelfamiljerArkiverad 13 november 2013 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., version 7. 8 oktober 2012, läst 2013-02-28.
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Weir, Jason T. (18 november 2007). ”The Latitudinal Gradient in Recent Speciation and Extinction Rates of Birds and Mammals”. Science "315" (5818): ss. 1574–76. doi:10.1126/science.1135590. PMID 17363673.
Dumbacher, J.P. (18 november 1992). ”omobatrachotoxin in the genus Pitohui: chemical defense in birds?”. Science "258" (5083): ss. 799–801. doi:10.1126/science.1439786. PMID 1439786.
Tsahar, Ella (18 november 2005). ”Can birds be ammonotelic? Nitrogen balance and excretion in two frugivores”. Journal of Experimental Biology "208" (6): ss. 1025–34. doi:10.1242/jeb.01495. PMID 15767304.
Battley, Phil F. (18 november 2000). ”Empirical evidence for differential organ reductions during trans-oceanic bird flight”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B "267" (1439): ss. 191–5. doi:10.1098/rspb.2000.0986. PMID 10687826. (Erratum i Proceedings of the Royal Society B267(1461):2567.)
Maina, John N. (18 november 2006). ”Development, structure, and function of a novel respiratory organ, the lung-air sac system of birds: to go where no other vertebrate has gone”. Biological Reviews "81" (4): ss. 545–79. doi:10.1111/j.1469-185X.2006.tb00218.x. PMID 17038201.
Suthers, Roderick A.; Sue Anne Zollinger (2004). ”Producing song: the vocal apparatus”. Behavioral Neurobiology of Birdsong. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1016. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. sid. 109-129. doi:10.1196/annals.1298.041. ISBN 1-57331-473-0PMID15313772
Scott, Robert B. (18 november 1966). ”Comparative hematology: The phylogeny of the erythrocyte”. Annals of Hematology "12" (6): ss. 340–51. doi:10.1007/BF01632827. PMID 5325853.
Shaffer, Scott A. (18 november 2006). ”Migratory shearwaters integrate oceanic resources across the Pacific Ocean in an endless summer”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences "103" (34): ss. 12799–802. doi:10.1073/pnas.0603715103. PMID 16908846.
Croxall, John P. (18 november 2005). ”Global Circumnavigations: Tracking year-round ranges of nonbreeding Albatrosses”. Science "307" (5707): ss. 249–50. doi:10.1126/science.1106042. PMID 15653503.
Carpenter, F. Lynn (18 november 1974). ”Torpor in an Andean Hummingbird: Its Ecological Significance”. Science "183" (4124): ss. 545–47. doi:10.1126/science.183.4124.545. PMID 17773043.
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Templeton, Christopher N. (18 november 2005). ”Allometry of Alarm Calls: Black-Capped Chickadees Encode Information About Predator
Size”. Science "308" (5730): ss. 1934–37. doi:10.1126/science.1108841. PMID 15976305.
Cockburn, Andrew (18 november 2006). ”Prevalence of different modes of parental care in birds”. Proceedings: Biological Sciences "273" (1592): ss. 1375–83. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3458. PMID 16777726.
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Erling Jirle (2012): Världens fågelfamiljer, version 6. 19 februari 2012, läst 2012-03-13. Ny version, Världens fågelfamiljerArkiverad 13 november 2013 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., version 7. 8 oktober 2012, läst 2013-02-28.
SOF - omräkning från engelsk studie utförd av The Mammal Society 1998
Dean W, Siegfried R, MacDonald I (1990). "The Fallacy, Fact, and Fate of Guiding Behavior in the Greater Honeyguide." Conservation Biology4 (1) 99–101. abstraktArkiverad 1 juni 2017 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
Pullis La Rouche, G. (2006). Birding in the United States: a demographic and economic analysis. Waterbirds around the world. Eds. G.C. Boere, C.A. Galbraith & D.A. Stroud. The Stationery Office, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 841–46. PDFArkiverad 4 mars 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
Dean W, Siegfried R, MacDonald I (1990). "The Fallacy, Fact, and Fate of Guiding Behavior in the Greater Honeyguide." Conservation Biology4 (1) 99–101. abstraktArkiverad 1 juni 2017 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
Chamberlain DE, Vickery JA, Glue DE, Robinson RA, Conway GJ, Woodburn RJW, Cannon AR (2005). "Annual and seasonal trends in the use of garden feeders by birds in winter." Ibis147 (3): 563–75. abstrakt