Familj (Swedish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Familj" in Swedish language version.

Global rank Swedish rank
3rd place
37th place
40th place
31st place
803rd place
748th place
low place
low place
7th place
26th place
5th place
9th place


  • "intimacy, love and trust where individuals may escape the competition of dehumanizing forces in modern society."; "[t]he family as a repository of warmth and tenderness (embodied by the mother) stands in opposition to the competitive and aggressive world of commerce (embodied by the father). The family's task was to protect against the outside world." - Zinn and Eitzen (1987) Diversity in American families, s. 3
  • "The protective image of the family has waned in recent years as the ideals of family fulfillment have taken shape. Today, the family is more compensatory than protective. It supplies what is vitally needed but missing in other social arrangements." - Zinn and Eitzen (1987) Diversity in American families, s. 3
  • "there is no golden age of the family gleaming at us in the far back historical past." - Zinn and Eitzen (1987) Diversity in American families, s. 8
  • "Desertion by spouses, illegitimate children, and other conditions that are considered characteristics of modern times existed in the past as well." - Zinn and Eitzen (1987) Diversity in American families, s. 8




