"An interview with Jonathan Franzen"Arkiverad 13 mars 2010 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., 30 oktober 2002, intervju på Charlie Rose Show. I'm about a year of frustration and confusion into it...Y'know, I'm kind of down at the bottom of the submerged ice berg peering up for the surface of the water...I don't have doubt about my ability to write a good book, but I have lots of doubt about what it's going to look like.
Haslam, D. ”Interviews”. davehaslam.com. Arkiverad från originalet den 20 juli 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20110720091515/http://www.davehaslam.com/control.php?_command=%2FDISPLAY%2F170%2F47%2F%2F6000%2F12010. Läst 19 mars 2011. ”The reason I slapped the word on the book proposal I sold three years ago without any clear idea of what kind of book it was going to be is that I wanted to write a book that would free me in some way. And I will say this about the abstract concept of 'freedom'; it's possible you are freer if you accept what you are and just get on with being the person you are, than if you maintain this kind of uncommitted I'm free-to-be-this, free-to-be-that, faux freedom.”
"An interview with Jonathan Franzen"Arkiverad 13 mars 2010 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., 30 oktober 2002, intervju på Charlie Rose Show. I'm about a year of frustration and confusion into it...Y'know, I'm kind of down at the bottom of the submerged ice berg peering up for the surface of the water...I don't have doubt about my ability to write a good book, but I have lots of doubt about what it's going to look like.
Haslam, D. ”Interviews”. davehaslam.com. Arkiverad från originalet den 20 juli 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20110720091515/http://www.davehaslam.com/control.php?_command=%2FDISPLAY%2F170%2F47%2F%2F6000%2F12010. Läst 19 mars 2011. ”The reason I slapped the word on the book proposal I sold three years ago without any clear idea of what kind of book it was going to be is that I wanted to write a book that would free me in some way. And I will say this about the abstract concept of 'freedom'; it's possible you are freer if you accept what you are and just get on with being the person you are, than if you maintain this kind of uncommitted I'm free-to-be-this, free-to-be-that, faux freedom.”