John Rosenthal, The Mufti and the HolocaustArkiverad 13 maj 2008 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., John Rosenthal on "Der Mufti von Jerusalem und die Nationalsozialisten" by Klaus Gensicke, Policy review, no. 148, March 28, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA, 2008, Läst: 2012-02-15.
John Rosenthal, The Mufti and the HolocaustArkiverad 13 maj 2008 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., John Rosenthal on "Der Mufti von Jerusalem und die Nationalsozialisten" by Klaus Gensicke, Policy review, no. 148, March 28, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA, 2008, Läst: 2012-02-15.