Raeburn, Anthony. ”The first 50 years”. Who we are / About us / History. IEC. https://www.iec.ch/history/first-50-years. ”AC 1 (Nomenclature), founded in 1910 was chaired by a Belgian professor, which indicates that in the early years of the 20th century electrical engineers used almost equally English, French and German.”
”First technical committees”. IEC. https://www.iec.ch/history/how-why-iec-was-started. ”By 1914, the IEC had formed four technical committees to deal with nomenclature, symbols, rating of electrical machinery, and prime movers. The Commission had also issued a first list of terms and definitions covering electrical machinery and apparatus; a list of international letter symbols for quantities and signs for names of units; an international standard for resistance for copper; a list of definitions in connection with hydraulic turbines; and a number of definitions and recommendations relating to rotating machines and transformers.”