Regeringskansliet, Regeringen och (13 juni 2003). ”Kollektivtrafik med människan i centrum”. Regeringskansliet. sid. 20. Läst 10 april 2023. ”Kollektivtrafiken är ett system där olika färdmedel måste samordnas för att resenären skall kunna genomföra en resa från dörr till
dörr. Där ingår linjebunden trafik och olika typer av särskild trafik
som skolskjutsar, färdtjänst och sjukresor. Den kan utföras med
olika färdmedel som buss, taxi, spårbundna fordon, båt och regionalt flyg.”
Daganzo, Carlos (2019). Public transportation systems : principles of system design, operations planning and real-time control. ISBN 978-981-322-408-7. OCLC1057244114. Läst 9 april 2023. ”The American Public Transit Association in its Glossary of Transit Terminology (1994) defines public transit, or public transportation, to be
“Transportation by bus, rail, or other conveyance, either publicly or privately
owned, which provides to the public general or special service on a regular
and continuing basis.”
And the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines public transit as
“the system that is used for moving large numbers of people on buses,
trains, etc.”
No matter how the definition is phrased, the basic goal of public transit
is to enable the mass movement of passengers from their origins to their
destinations in an efficient and economical manner. Like all transportation
systems, public transit involves both a temporal dimension and a spatial
dimension. It achieves its economy by collecting and consolidating passengers
over time and space into shared vehicles. It achieves its efficiency by smart
spatiotemporal operating plans that endow these passengers with high
mobility, giving them access to the opportunities available in a city.”