”Charter of the County of Los Angeles” (på engelska). Los Angeles County. 2 mars 2002. Arkiverad från originalet den 18 september 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210918031615/http://bos.lacounty.gov/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=BqCvzWSq8Zg%3D&portalid=1. Läst 14 september 2021. ”Section 12. The elective County officers other than members of the Board of
Supervisors shall be: Sheriff, District Attorney and Assessor. No person shall be elected and qualified for the office of Sheriff, District Attorney or Assessor if such a person has been elected or served in such office for three consecutive terms, commencing with a term of office which begins in December 2002. The limitation on terms shall not apply to any unexpired term to which a person is elected or appointed if the remainder of the terms is less than one-half of the full term of office. Section 13. ... At each general election at which the Governor is to be elected, and every four years thereafter, a Sheriff and Assessor shall be elected, whose terms shall be four years, beginning at noon on the first Monday in December following their election, and ending at noon on the first Monday in December four years thereafter. All elective County officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified.”
”Charter of the County of Los Angeles” (på engelska). Los Angeles County. 2 mars 2002. Arkiverad från originalet den 18 september 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20210918031615/http://bos.lacounty.gov/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=BqCvzWSq8Zg%3D&portalid=1. Läst 14 september 2021. ”Section 12. The elective County officers other than members of the Board of
Supervisors shall be: Sheriff, District Attorney and Assessor. No person shall be elected and qualified for the office of Sheriff, District Attorney or Assessor if such a person has been elected or served in such office for three consecutive terms, commencing with a term of office which begins in December 2002. The limitation on terms shall not apply to any unexpired term to which a person is elected or appointed if the remainder of the terms is less than one-half of the full term of office. Section 13. ... At each general election at which the Governor is to be elected, and every four years thereafter, a Sheriff and Assessor shall be elected, whose terms shall be four years, beginning at noon on the first Monday in December following their election, and ending at noon on the first Monday in December four years thereafter. All elective County officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified.”