Henriette Chacar (17 september 2021). ”'I’d rather die in the West Bank': LGBTQ Palestinians find no safety in Israel” (på amerikansk engelska). +972 Magazine. https://www.972mag.com/lgbtq-palestinians-israel-asylum/. Läst 9 januari 2025. ”LGBTQ Palestinians (...) are routinely excluded from programs that are meant to secure basic healthcare for other asylum seekers in Israel (...). Their access to basic social rights such as shelter is also blocked, with many reporting they have had to sleep on the streets, spend nights in unfamiliar places with strangers, and have been exposed to danger and exploitation.”
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Executive Board: Hundred and thirty-first Session: Item 9.4 of the provisional agenda, Request for the Admission of the State of Palestine to UNESCO as a Member State s. 18, annex II: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0008/000827/082711eo.pdf 12/5 1989