Steele, Claude M. (20 december 1995). ”Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "69" (5): ss. 797–811. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 7473032.
Steele, Claude M. (20 december 1995). ”Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "69" (5): ss. 797–811. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 7473032.
Maass, Anne (20 december 2008). ”Checkmate? The role of gender stereotypes in the ultimate intellectual sport”. European Journal of Social Psychology "38" (2): ss. 231–245. doi:10.1002/ejsp.440. ISSN00462772.
Inzlicht, M. (20 december 2000). ”A Threatening Intellectual Environment: Why Females Are Susceptible to Experiencing Problem-Solving Deficits in the Presence of Males”. Psychological Science "11" (5): ss. 365–371. doi:10.1111/1467-9280.00272. ISSN0956-7976.
Gupta, V. K. (20 december 2007). ”The Influence of Proactive Personality and Stereotype Threat on Women's Entrepreneurial Intentions”. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies "13" (4): ss. 73–85. doi:10.1177/10717919070130040901. ISSN1071-7919.
Stone, Jeff (20 december 1999). ”Stereotype threat effects on Black and White athletic performance.”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "77" (6): ss. 1213–1227. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.77.6.1213. ISSN0022-3514.
Stone, Jeff (20 december 1997). ”"White Men Can't Jump": Evidence for the Perceptual Confirmation of Racial Stereotypes Following a Basketball Game”. Basic and Applied Social Psychology "19" (3): ss. 291–306. doi:10.1207/s15324834basp1903_2. ISSN0197-3533.
Koenig, Anne M. (20 december 2005). ”Stereotype Threat in Men on a Test of Social Sensitivity”. Sex Roles "52" (7–8): ss. 489–496. doi:10.1007/s11199-005-3714-x. ISSN0360-0025.
Aronson, J (20 december 1999). ”When White Men Can't Do Math: Necessary and Sufficient Factors in Stereotype Threat”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology "35" (1): ss. 29–46. doi:10.1006/jesp.1998.1371. ISSN00221031.
Sackett, Paul R. (20 december 2004). ”On the Value of Correcting Mischaracterizations of Stereotype Threat Research”. American Psychologist "59" (1): ss. 48–49. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.48. ISSN1935-990X.
Schmader, Toni (20 december 2003). ”Converging Evidence That Stereotype Threat Reduces Working Memory Capacity”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "85" (3): ss. 440–452. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.85.3.440. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 14498781.
Beilock, S. L. (20 december 2006). ”On the Causal Mechanisms of Stereotype Threat: Can Skills That Don't Rely Heavily on Working Memory Still Be Threatened?”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "32" (8): ss. 1059–1071. doi:10.1177/0146167206288489. ISSN0146-1672. PMID 16861310.
Blascovich J, Spencer SJ, Quinn D, Steele C (20 december 2001). ”African Americans and high blood pressure: the role of stereotype threat”. Psychologial Science "12" (3): ss. 225–9. doi:10.1111/1467-9280.00340. PMID 11437305.
Murphy, M. C. (20 december 2007). ”Signaling Threat: How Situational Cues Affect Women in Math, Science, and Engineering Settings”. Psychological Science "18" (10): ss. 879–885. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01995.x. ISSN0956-7976. PMID 17894605.
Croizet JC, Després G, Gauzins ME, Huguet P, Leyens JP, Méot A (20 december 2004). ”Stereotype threat undermines intellectual performance by triggering a disruptive mental load”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "30" (6): ss. 721–31. doi:10.1177/0146167204263961. PMID 15155036.
Townsend, S. S. M. (20 december 2011). ”From "In the Air" to "Under the Skin": Cortisol Responses to Social Identity Threat”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "37" (2): ss. 151–164. doi:10.1177/0146167210392384. ISSN0146-1672. PMID 21239591.
Forbes, C.; Schmader, T.; Allen, J.J.B. (2008), ”The role of devaluing and discounting in performance monitoring: a neurophysiological study of minorities under threat”, Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience 3: 253–261, doi:10.1093/scan/nsn012
Krendle, Anne C.; Richeson, Jennifer A.; Kelley, William M.; Heatherton, Todd F. (1995), ”The negative consequences of threat: A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the neural mechanisms underlying women's underperformance in math”, Psychological Science 19 (2): 168–175, doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02063.x
Koch, S (20 december 2008). ”Women and computers. Effects of stereotype threat on attribution of failure”. Computers & Education "51" (4): ss. 1795–1803. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2008.05.007. ISSN03601315.
Lesko, Alexandra C. (20 december 2006). ”Discounting the Difficult: How High Math-Identified Women Respond to Stereotype Threat”. Sex Roles "54" (1–2): ss. 113–125. doi:10.1007/s11199-005-8873-2. ISSN0360-0025.
Cohen, Geoffrey L. (20 december 2008). ”Identity, Belonging, and Achievement: A Model, Interventions, Implications”. Current Directions in Psychological Science "17" (6): ss. 365–369. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2008.00607.x. ISSN09637214.
Major, B. (20 december 1998). ”Coping with Negative Stereotypes about Intellectual Performance: The Role of Psychological Disengagement”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "24" (1): ss. 34–50. doi:10.1177/0146167298241003. ISSN0146-1672.
Steele, Jennifer (20 december 2002). ”Learning in a Man's World: Examining the Perceptions of Undergraduate Women in Male-Dominated Academic Areas”. Psychology of Women Quarterly "26" (1): ss. 46–50. doi:10.1111/1471-6402.00042. ISSN0361-6843.
Johns M, Schmader T, Martens A (20 december 2005). ”Knowing is half the battle: teaching stereotype threat as a means of improving women's math performance”. Psychological Science "16" (3): ss. 175–9. doi:10.1111/j.0956-7976.2005.00799.x. PMID 15733195.
Aronson J, Fried CB, Good C (20 december 2002). ”Reducing the Effects of Stereotype Threat on African American College Students by Shaping Theories of Intelligence”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology "38" (2): ss. 113–125. doi:10.1006/jesp.2001.1491. ISSN00221031.
Cohen GL, Garcia J, Apfel N, Master A (20 december 2006). ”Reducing the racial achievement gap: a social-psychological intervention”. Science "313" (5791): ss. 1307–10. doi:10.1126/science.1128317. PMID 16946074.
Walton, G. M.; Cohen, G. L. (20 december 2007). ”A question of belonging: race, social fit, and achievement”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "92" (1): ss. 82–96. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.92.1.82. PMID 17201544.
Steele, Claude M. (20 december 1995). ”Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "69" (5): ss. 797–811. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 7473032.
Steele, Claude M. (20 december 1995). ”Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "69" (5): ss. 797–811. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 7473032.
Schmader, Toni (20 december 2003). ”Converging Evidence That Stereotype Threat Reduces Working Memory Capacity”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "85" (3): ss. 440–452. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.85.3.440. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 14498781.
Beilock, S. L. (20 december 2006). ”On the Causal Mechanisms of Stereotype Threat: Can Skills That Don't Rely Heavily on Working Memory Still Be Threatened?”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "32" (8): ss. 1059–1071. doi:10.1177/0146167206288489. ISSN0146-1672. PMID 16861310.
Blascovich J, Spencer SJ, Quinn D, Steele C (20 december 2001). ”African Americans and high blood pressure: the role of stereotype threat”. Psychologial Science "12" (3): ss. 225–9. doi:10.1111/1467-9280.00340. PMID 11437305.
Murphy, M. C. (20 december 2007). ”Signaling Threat: How Situational Cues Affect Women in Math, Science, and Engineering Settings”. Psychological Science "18" (10): ss. 879–885. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01995.x. ISSN0956-7976. PMID 17894605.
Croizet JC, Després G, Gauzins ME, Huguet P, Leyens JP, Méot A (20 december 2004). ”Stereotype threat undermines intellectual performance by triggering a disruptive mental load”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "30" (6): ss. 721–31. doi:10.1177/0146167204263961. PMID 15155036.
Townsend, S. S. M. (20 december 2011). ”From "In the Air" to "Under the Skin": Cortisol Responses to Social Identity Threat”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "37" (2): ss. 151–164. doi:10.1177/0146167210392384. ISSN0146-1672. PMID 21239591.
Johns M, Schmader T, Martens A (20 december 2005). ”Knowing is half the battle: teaching stereotype threat as a means of improving women's math performance”. Psychological Science "16" (3): ss. 175–9. doi:10.1111/j.0956-7976.2005.00799.x. PMID 15733195.
Cohen GL, Garcia J, Apfel N, Master A (20 december 2006). ”Reducing the racial achievement gap: a social-psychological intervention”. Science "313" (5791): ss. 1307–10. doi:10.1126/science.1128317. PMID 16946074.
Walton, G. M.; Cohen, G. L. (20 december 2007). ”A question of belonging: race, social fit, and achievement”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "92" (1): ss. 82–96. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.92.1.82. PMID 17201544.
Steele, Claude M. (20 december 1995). ”Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "69" (5): ss. 797–811. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 7473032.
Steele, Claude M. (20 december 1995). ”Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "69" (5): ss. 797–811. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 7473032.
Maass, Anne (20 december 2008). ”Checkmate? The role of gender stereotypes in the ultimate intellectual sport”. European Journal of Social Psychology "38" (2): ss. 231–245. doi:10.1002/ejsp.440. ISSN00462772.
Inzlicht, M. (20 december 2000). ”A Threatening Intellectual Environment: Why Females Are Susceptible to Experiencing Problem-Solving Deficits in the Presence of Males”. Psychological Science "11" (5): ss. 365–371. doi:10.1111/1467-9280.00272. ISSN0956-7976.
Gupta, V. K. (20 december 2007). ”The Influence of Proactive Personality and Stereotype Threat on Women's Entrepreneurial Intentions”. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies "13" (4): ss. 73–85. doi:10.1177/10717919070130040901. ISSN1071-7919.
Stone, Jeff (20 december 1999). ”Stereotype threat effects on Black and White athletic performance.”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "77" (6): ss. 1213–1227. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.77.6.1213. ISSN0022-3514.
Stone, Jeff (20 december 1997). ”"White Men Can't Jump": Evidence for the Perceptual Confirmation of Racial Stereotypes Following a Basketball Game”. Basic and Applied Social Psychology "19" (3): ss. 291–306. doi:10.1207/s15324834basp1903_2. ISSN0197-3533.
Koenig, Anne M. (20 december 2005). ”Stereotype Threat in Men on a Test of Social Sensitivity”. Sex Roles "52" (7–8): ss. 489–496. doi:10.1007/s11199-005-3714-x. ISSN0360-0025.
Aronson, J (20 december 1999). ”When White Men Can't Do Math: Necessary and Sufficient Factors in Stereotype Threat”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology "35" (1): ss. 29–46. doi:10.1006/jesp.1998.1371. ISSN00221031.
Sackett, Paul R. (20 december 2004). ”On the Value of Correcting Mischaracterizations of Stereotype Threat Research”. American Psychologist "59" (1): ss. 48–49. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.48. ISSN1935-990X.
Schmader, Toni (20 december 2003). ”Converging Evidence That Stereotype Threat Reduces Working Memory Capacity”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology "85" (3): ss. 440–452. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.85.3.440. ISSN0022-3514. PMID 14498781.
Beilock, S. L. (20 december 2006). ”On the Causal Mechanisms of Stereotype Threat: Can Skills That Don't Rely Heavily on Working Memory Still Be Threatened?”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "32" (8): ss. 1059–1071. doi:10.1177/0146167206288489. ISSN0146-1672. PMID 16861310.
Murphy, M. C. (20 december 2007). ”Signaling Threat: How Situational Cues Affect Women in Math, Science, and Engineering Settings”. Psychological Science "18" (10): ss. 879–885. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01995.x. ISSN0956-7976. PMID 17894605.
Townsend, S. S. M. (20 december 2011). ”From "In the Air" to "Under the Skin": Cortisol Responses to Social Identity Threat”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "37" (2): ss. 151–164. doi:10.1177/0146167210392384. ISSN0146-1672. PMID 21239591.
Koch, S (20 december 2008). ”Women and computers. Effects of stereotype threat on attribution of failure”. Computers & Education "51" (4): ss. 1795–1803. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2008.05.007. ISSN03601315.
Lesko, Alexandra C. (20 december 2006). ”Discounting the Difficult: How High Math-Identified Women Respond to Stereotype Threat”. Sex Roles "54" (1–2): ss. 113–125. doi:10.1007/s11199-005-8873-2. ISSN0360-0025.
Cohen, Geoffrey L. (20 december 2008). ”Identity, Belonging, and Achievement: A Model, Interventions, Implications”. Current Directions in Psychological Science "17" (6): ss. 365–369. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2008.00607.x. ISSN09637214.
Major, B. (20 december 1998). ”Coping with Negative Stereotypes about Intellectual Performance: The Role of Psychological Disengagement”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin "24" (1): ss. 34–50. doi:10.1177/0146167298241003. ISSN0146-1672.
Steele, Jennifer (20 december 2002). ”Learning in a Man's World: Examining the Perceptions of Undergraduate Women in Male-Dominated Academic Areas”. Psychology of Women Quarterly "26" (1): ss. 46–50. doi:10.1111/1471-6402.00042. ISSN0361-6843.
Aronson J, Fried CB, Good C (20 december 2002). ”Reducing the Effects of Stereotype Threat on African American College Students by Shaping Theories of Intelligence”. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology "38" (2): ss. 113–125. doi:10.1006/jesp.2001.1491. ISSN00221031.