சுலலாங்கொர்ன் (Tamil Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "சுலலாங்கொர்ன்" in Tamil language version.

Global rank Tamil rank
1st place
1st place
4,339th place
2,500th place
low place
low place
459th place
249th place
3rd place
6th place






  • YourDictionary, n.d. (23 November 2011). "Chulalongkorn". Biography. YourDictionary. Archived from the original on 29 September 2011. Retrieved 1 December 2011. When Thailand was seriously threatened by Western colonialism, his diplomatic policies averted colonial domination and his domestic reforms brought about the modernization of his kingdom.
  • Derick Garnier (30 March 2011). "Captain John Bush, 1819–1905". Christ Church Bangkok. Archived from the original on 14 September 2014. Retrieved 1 December 2011. in 1868, down to Hua Wan (south of Hua Hinh)



  • YourDictionary, n.d. (23 November 2011). "Chulalongkorn". Biography. YourDictionary. Archived from the original on 29 September 2011. Retrieved 1 December 2011. When Thailand was seriously threatened by Western colonialism, his diplomatic policies averted colonial domination and his domestic reforms brought about the modernization of his kingdom.