Touinssi, Mhammed; Chiaroni, Jacques; Degioanni, Anna; De Micco, Philippe; Dutour, Olivier; Bauduer, Frédéric (2004). "Distribution of rhesus blood group system in the French basques: a reappraisal using the allele-specific primers PCR method". Human Heredity58 (2): 69–72. doi:10.1159/000083027. பப்மெட்:15711086.
Touinssi, Mhammed; Chiaroni, Jacques; Degioanni, Anna; De Micco, Philippe; Dutour, Olivier; Bauduer, Frédéric (2004). "Distribution of rhesus blood group system in the French basques: a reappraisal using the allele-specific primers PCR method". Human Heredity58 (2): 69–72. doi:10.1159/000083027. பப்மெட்:15711086.