Estimate based on 7% of 68,688,433: World Factbook, s.v. Iran; Encyclopedia of the Orient, ed. Tore Kjeilen, s.v. Iran:Religions and Peoples, (N.P.:Lexorient, 2006),
Estimate based on 15% to 20% of 26,783,383: World Factbook, s.v. Iraq; Encyclopedia of the Orient, s.v. Iraq: Religions and Peoples.
Kurds in Georgia in Eurominority: Portal of European Stateless Nations and Minorities (Quimper, France: Organization for the European Minorities, 2006).; The Kurdish Diaspora.
Lokman I. Meho, The Kurds and Kurdistan: A General Background, in Kurdish Culture and Society: An Annotated Bibliography. Comp. Lokman I. Meho & Kelly Maglaughlin (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001), 4.
The Kurdish Diaspora, Institut Kurde de Paris (Paris: Institut Kurde de Paris, 2006),
Kurds in Georgia in Eurominority: Portal of European Stateless Nations and Minorities (Quimper, France: Organization for the European Minorities, 2006).; The Kurdish Diaspora.
Estimate based on 7% of 68,688,433: World Factbook, s.v. Iran; Encyclopedia of the Orient, ed. Tore Kjeilen, s.v. Iran:Religions and Peoples, (N.P.:Lexorient, 2006),
Estimate based on 15% to 20% of 26,783,383: World Factbook, s.v. Iraq; Encyclopedia of the Orient, s.v. Iraq: Religions and Peoples.