பண்டைய வரலாறு (Tamil Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "பண்டைய வரலாறு" in Tamil language version.

Global rank Tamil rank
3rd place
6th place
1st place
1st place
741st place
480th place
1,747th place
2,753rd place
low place
7,123rd place
low place
low place
1,133rd place
1,352nd place
504th place
63rd place
low place
low place
6th place
8th place
40th place
21st place
1,580th place
772nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
3,458th place
low place
low place
low place
low place





  • Hadas, Moses (1950). A History of Greek Literature. Columbia University Press. p. 273. ISBN 0-231-01767-7.
  • Breasted, J. H. (1916). Ancient times, a history of the early world: an introduction to the study of ancient history and the career of early man. Boston: Ginn and Company.
  • Myers, P. V. N. (1916). Ancient History. New York [etc.]: Ginn and company.
  • Petrie, W. M. F. (1972). Methods & aims in archaeology. New York: B. Blom
  • Barton, G. A. (1900). Archaeology and the Bible. Green fund book, no. 17. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut Street.
  • Watkin, David (2005). A History of Western Architecture (4th ed.). Laurence King Publishing. p. 14. ISBN 978-1-85669-459-9."The Great Pyramid ... is still one of the largest structures ever raised by man, its plan twice the size of St. Peter's in Rome"
  • Wells, H. G. (1921). The outline of history, being a plain history of life and mankind New York: Macmillan company. Page 137.
  • Johnson, R., Horne, C. F., & Rudd, J. (1904). The Great events by famous historians. London: The National Alumni. Page 376.
  • The early history of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest: including the invasion of Alexander the Great By Vincent Arthur Smith. The Clarendon press, 1904.
  • History of the Peloponnesian war done into Englishby Richard Crawley. J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1914. பரணிடப்பட்டது 2013-07-24 at the வந்தவழி இயந்திரம்
  • Characteristics of the Greek Philosophers: Socrates and Plato By John Philips Potter. J. W. Parker, 1845.
  • Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates: with English notes, critical and explanatory, the Prolegomena of Kühner, Wiggers' Life of Socrates, etc. By Xenophon, Raphael Kühner, Gustav Friedrich Wiggers, Friedrich Schleiermacher. Harper & brothers, 1848.
  • A life of Socrates By Gustav Friedrich Wiggers. Taylor and Walton, 1840.
  • The New century book of facts. (1911). Wheeling: Continental. Pg 104
  • A beginner's history of philosophy, Volume 1 By Herbert Ernest Cushman. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910. Pg 219.
  • The Americana: a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, commerce, etc., of the world, Volume 2 By Frederick Converse Beach, George Edwin Rines. Scientific American compiling department, 1912. "Aristotle", Pg 30
  • The Catholic encyclopedia: an international work of reference on the constitution, doctrine, discipline, and history of the Catholic Church, Volume 1 By Knights of Columbus. Catholic Truth Committee. Encyclopedia Press, 1907. "Aristotle", Pg 713.
  • The history of Greece, Volume 9 By William Mitford. Cadell, 1821. "Battle of Gaugamela, commonly called of Arbela", Pg 408
  • Alexander: a history of the origin and growth of the art of war from the earliest times to the battle of Ipsus, B. C. 301, Volume 2 By Theodore Ayrault Dodge. Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1899. Pg 553.
  • A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great, Volume 1 By John Bagnell Bury. Macmillan, 1902.
  • History of India, Volume 2 by Romesh Chunder Dutt, Vincent Arthur Smith, Stanley Lane-Poole, Sir Henry Miers Elliot, Sir William Wilson Hunter, Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall. The Grolier Society, 1906. Pg 103
  • Ridpath library of universal literature. Volume 9 By John Clark Ridpath. The Globe publishing company, 1898. Pg 272
  • Journal, Volumes 3–5 By Buddhist text and research society, Calcutta, 1895. Pg 26
  • Lists of inscriptions, and sketch of the dynasties of southern India By Robert Sewell. Pg 141
  • A beginner's history of philosophy, Volume 1 By Herbert Ernest Cushman. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910. Pg 244
  • Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. Volume 16. Printed at the Govt. Central Press, 1883. Pg 614
  • The currency of the Farther East from the earliest times up to the present day, Volume 3 By Sir James Haldane Stewart Lockhart, G. B. Glover. Noronha & co., 1898. Pg 43
  • A history of Persia, Volume 1 By Sir Percy Molesworth Sykes. Pg 16
  • Ridpath's History of the world, Volume 2 By John Clark Ridpath. Pg 377
  • The Sacred books and early literature of the East Edited by Charles Francis Horne. Pg 6
  • The early history of India. 2nd ed By V.A. Smith. Pg 185
  • The Wonders of nature and art: comprising nearly three hundred of the most remarkable curiosities and phenomena in the known world By W. Milner, 1839. Pg 150
  • The great wall of China By William Edgar Geil
  • The World's History: Oceania, Eastern Asia and the Indian Ocean By Viscount James Bryce Bryce. William Heinemann, 1904. Pg 76
  • Andhra: history and coinage By Vincent Arthur Smith. Pg 653
  • Babylonian & oriental record, Volume 3. D. Nutt, 1889. Pg 157
  • The Great Wall: From Beginning to End. 2007. Pg 152
  • Americanized Encyclopædia Britannica, revised and amended. The "Examiner", 1890. Pg 1546
  • Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology, Volume 2 By Joseph Thomas. Pg 2155
  • The outline of history: being a plain history of life and mankind By Herbert George Wells. Pg 409
  • A skeleton outline of Roman history chronologically arranged By Percy Ewing Matheson. Pg 48
  • The early history of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest By Vincent Arthur Smith. Pg 175
  • Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools: A history of Rome By Philip Van Ness Myers. Pg 69
  • Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools: A history of Rome By Philip Van Ness Myers. Pg 71
  • Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools: A history of Rome By Philip Van Ness Myers. Pg 195
  • Primitive civilizations By Edith Jemima Simcox. Pg 118
  • The Academy, Volume 13. J. Murray, 1878. Pg 339
  • The Rotarian Feb 1938. "Rediscovering the Silk Road", Pg12
  • Armenia and the Armenians from the earliest times until the great war (1914) By Kévork Aslan. Pg 23
  • The Historians' History of the World: The Roman republic edited by Henry Smith William. Pg 40
  • Seven Roman Statesmen of the later republic By Charles Oman. Pg 199
  • History of Julius Caesar By Jacob Abbott. Harper & Brothers, 1876.










  • "ICHTO Struggling to Save Susa Acropol". Archived from the original on 2004-12-16. The Municipality of Shoush (Susa) accepted a proposal by the cityÕs Cultural Heritage Department for the transfer of an under-construction passenger terminal from the 7,000-year-old city, but conditioned destruction of the terminal to demolition of other constructions and residential units in the area.













