Li, Jing (2012). "The folkloric, the spectacular, and the institutionalized: Touristifying ethnic minority dances on China's southwest frontiers". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change10: 79–80 (footnote nr. 7). doi:10.1080/14766825.2012.658809.
Li, Jing (2012). "The folkloric, the spectacular, and the institutionalized: Touristifying ethnic minority dances on China's southwest frontiers". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change10: 69. doi:10.1080/14766825.2012.658809.
Li, Jing (2012). "The folkloric, the spectacular, and the institutionalized: Touristifying ethnic minority dances on China's southwest frontiers". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change10: 69–70, 74–75. doi:10.1080/14766825.2012.658809.
Li, Jing (2012). "The folkloric, the spectacular, and the institutionalized: Touristifying ethnic minority dances on China's southwest frontiers". Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change10: 79–80 (footnote nr. 7). doi:10.1080/14766825.2012.658809.