การแขวนคอ (Thai Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "การแขวนคอ" in Thai language version.

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8,504th place
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1st place


  • Mahmoud Rayes; Monika Mittal; Setti S. Rengachary; Sandeep Mittal (February 2011). "Hangman's fracture: a historical and biomechanical perspective" (PDF). Journal of Neurosurgery. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 13 January 2017. สืบค้นเมื่อ 27 August 2016. It was not until the introduction of the standard drop by Dr. Samuel Haughton in 1866, and the so-called long drop by William Marwood in 1872 that hanging became a standard, humane means to achieve instantaneous death.


  • Mahmoud Rayes; Monika Mittal; Setti S. Rengachary; Sandeep Mittal (February 2011). "Hangman's fracture: a historical and biomechanical perspective" (PDF). Journal of Neurosurgery. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 13 January 2017. สืบค้นเมื่อ 27 August 2016. It was not until the introduction of the standard drop by Dr. Samuel Haughton in 1866, and the so-called long drop by William Marwood in 1872 that hanging became a standard, humane means to achieve instantaneous death.