ระบอบนาซี (Thai Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ระบอบนาซี" in Thai language version.

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  • "ยอห์น 8:44". พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ภาษาไทย ฉบับมาตรฐาน. สมาคมพระคริสตธรรมไทย. 2011. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 8 ธันวาคม 2022 – โดยทาง Bible.com. พวกท่านมาจากพ่อของท่านคือมาร และท่านอยากจะทำตามความปรารถนาของพ่อ มันเป็นฆาตกรตั้งแต่เริ่มแรกและไม่ได้ตั้งอยู่ในสัจจะ เพราะมันไม่มีสัจจะ เมื่อมันพูดเท็จมันก็พูดตามสันดานของมันเอง เพราะมันเป็นผู้มุสา และเป็นพ่อของการมุสา









  • Harrington, Anne (2021). "CHAPTER SIX: Life Science, Nazi Wholeness, and the "Machine" in Germany's Midst". Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 175. doi:10.1515/9780691218083-009. ISBN 9780691218083. JSTOR j.ctv14163kf.11. S2CID 162490363. When Hans Shemm in 1935 declared National Socialism to be "politically applied biology," things began to look up, not only for holism, but for the life sciences in general. After all, if the good National Socialist citizen was now seen as the man or woman who understood and revered what were called "Life's laws," then it seemed clear that the life scientists had a major role to play in defining a National Socialist educational program that would transmit the essence of these laws to every family in every village in the country. [...] So much seemed familiar: the calls among the National Socialists to return to authentic "German" values and "ways of knowing," to "overcome" the materialism and mechanism of the "West" and the "Jewish-international lie" of scientific objectivity; the use of traditional volkisch tropes that spoke of the German people (Volk) as a mystical, pseudobiological whole and the state as an "organism" in which the individual was subsumed in the whole ("You are nothing, your Volk is everything"); the condemnation of Jews as an alien force representing chaos, mechanism, and inauthenticity. Hitler himself had even used the stock imagery of conservative holism in Mein Kampf when he spoke of the democratic state as "a dead mechanism which only lays claim to existence for its own sake" and contrasted this with his vision of statehood for Germany in which "there must be formed a living organism with the exclusive aim of serving a higher idea."
  • Anker, Peder (2021). "The Politics of Holism, Ecology, and Human Rights". Imperial Ecology: Environmental Order in the British Empire, 1895-1945. เคมบริดจ์, รัฐแมสซาชูเซตส์ และลอนดอน: Harvard University Press. p. 157. doi:10.4159/9780674020221-008. ISBN 9780674020221. S2CID 142173094. The paradoxical character of the politics of holism is the theme of this chapter, which focuses on the mutually shaping relationship between John William Bews, John Phillips, and the South African politician Jan Christian Smuts. Smuts was a promoter of international peace and understanding through the League of Nations, but also a defender of racial suppression and white supremacy in his own country. His politics, I will argue, were fully consistent with his holistic philosophy of science. Smuts was guided by the efforts of ecologists such as Bews and Phillips, who provided him with a day-to-day update of the latest advances in scientific knowledge of natural laws governing Homo sapiens. A substantial part of this chapter will thus return to their research on human ecology to explore the mutual field of inspiration linking them and Smuts. Two aspects of this human ecological research were particularly important: the human gradualism or ecological “succession” of human personalities researched by Bews, and the concept of an ecological biotic community explored by Phillips. Smuts transformed this research into a policy of racial gradualism that respected local ways of life in different (biotic) communities, a policy he tried to morally sanctify and promote as author of the famous 1945 Preamble of the United Nation Charter about human rights.



  • Scheid, Volker (มิถุนายน 2016). "Chapter 3: Holism, Chinese Medicine, and Systems Ideologies: Rewriting the Past to Imagine the Future". ใน Whitehead, A.; Woods, A.; Atkinson, S.; Macnaughton, J.; Richards, J. (บ.ก.). The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Vol. 1. เอดินบะระ: Edinburgh University Press. doi:10.3366/edinburgh/9781474400046.003.0003. ISBN 9781474400046. S2CID 13333626. Bookshelf ID:NBK379258 – โดยทาง NCBI. Common Roots: Holism Before and During the Interwar Years: This chapter cannot explore in detail the complex entanglements between these different notions of holism, or how they reflect Germany's troubled path towards modernity. My starting point, instead, is the interwar years. By then, holism had become an important resource for people across Europe, the US and beyond – but once again specifically in Germany – for dealing with what Max Weber, in 1918, had famously analysed as a widely felt disenchantment with the modern world. The very word ‘holism’ (as opposed to ideas or practices designated as such today), as well as related words like ‘emergence’ or ‘organicism’, date from this time. It was coined in 1926 by Jan Smuts to describe a perceived tendency of evolutionary processes towards the formation of wholes, granting these wholes a special onto-epistemic significance that parts lack. This was cultural holism now underpinned by evolutionary science and deployed by Smuts not only as a tool for grasping the coming into being of the world but also as an ideological justification for the development of Apartheid in South Africa. In Weimar Germany and then under Nazism, holistic science became a mainstream academic endeavour, once more intermingling cultural politics and serious scientific research. Holistic perspectives also became popular in the interwar years among academics and the wider public throughout the UK and US. In France, it was associated with vitalist philosophies and the emergence of neo-Hippocratic thinking in medicine, manifesting the unease many people felt about the shifts that biomedicine was undergoing at the time.







  • Harper, Douglas. "Nazi". etymonline.com. Online Etymology Dictionary. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 26 ตุลาคม 2022. สืบค้นเมื่อ 22 ตุลาคม 2014.












  • Harran, Marilyn J.; Kuntz, Dieter; Lemmons, Russel; Michael, Robert A.; Pickus, Keith; Roth, John K.; และคณะ (2000). "1936: The Nazis". The Holocaust Chronicle. Publications International Ltd. p. 108. ISBN 9780785329633. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 10 พฤษภาคม 2022. Thrown into concentration camps for 'rehabilitation,' homosexuals were forced to wear identifying triangular patches of pink cloth.


  • Sandner, Peter (1999). "Die "Euthanasie"-Akten im Bundesarchiv : Zur Geschichte eines lange verschollenen Bestandes" (PDF). Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (ภาษาเยอรมัน). 47 (3): 385. ISSN 2196-7121. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 พฤศจิกายน 2022. „T4" als Kürzel für „Tiergartenstraße 4", die Berliner Adresse der Dienststelle, welche die nationalsozialistische Krankenmordaktion organisierte. „T4" war keine Tarnbezeichnung, sondern ist eine erst nach 1945 in den Strafverfahren und in der Historiographie verwandte Abkürzung.



  • Harrington, Anne (2021). "CHAPTER SIX: Life Science, Nazi Wholeness, and the "Machine" in Germany's Midst". Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 175. doi:10.1515/9780691218083-009. ISBN 9780691218083. JSTOR j.ctv14163kf.11. S2CID 162490363. When Hans Shemm in 1935 declared National Socialism to be "politically applied biology," things began to look up, not only for holism, but for the life sciences in general. After all, if the good National Socialist citizen was now seen as the man or woman who understood and revered what were called "Life's laws," then it seemed clear that the life scientists had a major role to play in defining a National Socialist educational program that would transmit the essence of these laws to every family in every village in the country. [...] So much seemed familiar: the calls among the National Socialists to return to authentic "German" values and "ways of knowing," to "overcome" the materialism and mechanism of the "West" and the "Jewish-international lie" of scientific objectivity; the use of traditional volkisch tropes that spoke of the German people (Volk) as a mystical, pseudobiological whole and the state as an "organism" in which the individual was subsumed in the whole ("You are nothing, your Volk is everything"); the condemnation of Jews as an alien force representing chaos, mechanism, and inauthenticity. Hitler himself had even used the stock imagery of conservative holism in Mein Kampf when he spoke of the democratic state as "a dead mechanism which only lays claim to existence for its own sake" and contrasted this with his vision of statehood for Germany in which "there must be formed a living organism with the exclusive aim of serving a higher idea."
  • Temin, Peter (พฤศจิกายน 1991). "Soviet and Nazi economic planning in the 1930s" (PDF). The Economic History Review. New Series. 44 (4): 573–93. doi:10.2307/2597802. hdl:1721.1/64262. JSTOR 2597802.





  • Gliožaitis, Algirdas. "Neumanno-Sasso byla" [คดีน็อยมันน์-ซัสส์]. Mažosios Lietuvos enciklopedija (ภาษาลิทัวเนีย). เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2022. สืบค้นเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2022.



  • Scheid, Volker (มิถุนายน 2016). "Chapter 3: Holism, Chinese Medicine, and Systems Ideologies: Rewriting the Past to Imagine the Future". ใน Whitehead, A.; Woods, A.; Atkinson, S.; Macnaughton, J.; Richards, J. (บ.ก.). The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Vol. 1. เอดินบะระ: Edinburgh University Press. doi:10.3366/edinburgh/9781474400046.003.0003. ISBN 9781474400046. S2CID 13333626. Bookshelf ID:NBK379258 – โดยทาง NCBI. Common Roots: Holism Before and During the Interwar Years: This chapter cannot explore in detail the complex entanglements between these different notions of holism, or how they reflect Germany's troubled path towards modernity. My starting point, instead, is the interwar years. By then, holism had become an important resource for people across Europe, the US and beyond – but once again specifically in Germany – for dealing with what Max Weber, in 1918, had famously analysed as a widely felt disenchantment with the modern world. The very word ‘holism’ (as opposed to ideas or practices designated as such today), as well as related words like ‘emergence’ or ‘organicism’, date from this time. It was coined in 1926 by Jan Smuts to describe a perceived tendency of evolutionary processes towards the formation of wholes, granting these wholes a special onto-epistemic significance that parts lack. This was cultural holism now underpinned by evolutionary science and deployed by Smuts not only as a tool for grasping the coming into being of the world but also as an ideological justification for the development of Apartheid in South Africa. In Weimar Germany and then under Nazism, holistic science became a mainstream academic endeavour, once more intermingling cultural politics and serious scientific research. Holistic perspectives also became popular in the interwar years among academics and the wider public throughout the UK and US. In France, it was associated with vitalist philosophies and the emergence of neo-Hippocratic thinking in medicine, manifesting the unease many people felt about the shifts that biomedicine was undergoing at the time.




  • Deichmann, Ute (2020). "Science and political ideology: The example of Nazi Germany". Mètode Science Studies Journal. Universitat de València. 10 (Science and Nazism. The unconfessed collaboration of scientists with National Socialism): 129–137. doi:10.7203/metode.10.13657. ISSN 2174-9221. S2CID 203335127. Although in their basic framework Nazi anti-Semitic and racist ideology and policies were not grounded in science, scientists not only supported them in various ways, but also took advantage of them, for example by using the new possibilities of unethical experimentation in humans that these ideologies provided. Scientists’ complicity with Nazi ideology and politics does, however, not mean that all sciences in Nazi Germany were ideologically tainted. I argue, rather, that despite the fact that some areas of science continued at high levels, science in Nazi Germany was most negatively affected not by the imposition of Nazi ideology on the conduct of science but by the enactment of legal measures that ensured the expulsion of Jewish scientists. The anti-Semitism of young faculty and students was particularly virulent. Moreover, I show that scientists supported Nazi ideologies and policies not only through so-called reductionist science such as eugenics and race-hygiene, but also by promoting organicist and holistic ideologies of the racial state. [...] The ideology of leading Nazi party ideologues was strongly influenced by the Volkish movement which, in the wake of the writings of philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte and other nineteenth century authors, promoted the idea of Volk (people) as an organic unity. They did not base their virulent anti-Semitism and racism on anthropological concepts.




  • Harrington, Anne (2021). "CHAPTER SIX: Life Science, Nazi Wholeness, and the "Machine" in Germany's Midst". Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 175. doi:10.1515/9780691218083-009. ISBN 9780691218083. JSTOR j.ctv14163kf.11. S2CID 162490363. When Hans Shemm in 1935 declared National Socialism to be "politically applied biology," things began to look up, not only for holism, but for the life sciences in general. After all, if the good National Socialist citizen was now seen as the man or woman who understood and revered what were called "Life's laws," then it seemed clear that the life scientists had a major role to play in defining a National Socialist educational program that would transmit the essence of these laws to every family in every village in the country. [...] So much seemed familiar: the calls among the National Socialists to return to authentic "German" values and "ways of knowing," to "overcome" the materialism and mechanism of the "West" and the "Jewish-international lie" of scientific objectivity; the use of traditional volkisch tropes that spoke of the German people (Volk) as a mystical, pseudobiological whole and the state as an "organism" in which the individual was subsumed in the whole ("You are nothing, your Volk is everything"); the condemnation of Jews as an alien force representing chaos, mechanism, and inauthenticity. Hitler himself had even used the stock imagery of conservative holism in Mein Kampf when he spoke of the democratic state as "a dead mechanism which only lays claim to existence for its own sake" and contrasted this with his vision of statehood for Germany in which "there must be formed a living organism with the exclusive aim of serving a higher idea."
  • Deichmann, Ute (2020). "Science and political ideology: The example of Nazi Germany". Mètode Science Studies Journal. Universitat de València. 10 (Science and Nazism. The unconfessed collaboration of scientists with National Socialism): 129–137. doi:10.7203/metode.10.13657. ISSN 2174-9221. S2CID 203335127. Although in their basic framework Nazi anti-Semitic and racist ideology and policies were not grounded in science, scientists not only supported them in various ways, but also took advantage of them, for example by using the new possibilities of unethical experimentation in humans that these ideologies provided. Scientists’ complicity with Nazi ideology and politics does, however, not mean that all sciences in Nazi Germany were ideologically tainted. I argue, rather, that despite the fact that some areas of science continued at high levels, science in Nazi Germany was most negatively affected not by the imposition of Nazi ideology on the conduct of science but by the enactment of legal measures that ensured the expulsion of Jewish scientists. The anti-Semitism of young faculty and students was particularly virulent. Moreover, I show that scientists supported Nazi ideologies and policies not only through so-called reductionist science such as eugenics and race-hygiene, but also by promoting organicist and holistic ideologies of the racial state. [...] The ideology of leading Nazi party ideologues was strongly influenced by the Volkish movement which, in the wake of the writings of philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte and other nineteenth century authors, promoted the idea of Volk (people) as an organic unity. They did not base their virulent anti-Semitism and racism on anthropological concepts.
  • Anker, Peder (2021). "The Politics of Holism, Ecology, and Human Rights". Imperial Ecology: Environmental Order in the British Empire, 1895-1945. เคมบริดจ์, รัฐแมสซาชูเซตส์ และลอนดอน: Harvard University Press. p. 157. doi:10.4159/9780674020221-008. ISBN 9780674020221. S2CID 142173094. The paradoxical character of the politics of holism is the theme of this chapter, which focuses on the mutually shaping relationship between John William Bews, John Phillips, and the South African politician Jan Christian Smuts. Smuts was a promoter of international peace and understanding through the League of Nations, but also a defender of racial suppression and white supremacy in his own country. His politics, I will argue, were fully consistent with his holistic philosophy of science. Smuts was guided by the efforts of ecologists such as Bews and Phillips, who provided him with a day-to-day update of the latest advances in scientific knowledge of natural laws governing Homo sapiens. A substantial part of this chapter will thus return to their research on human ecology to explore the mutual field of inspiration linking them and Smuts. Two aspects of this human ecological research were particularly important: the human gradualism or ecological “succession” of human personalities researched by Bews, and the concept of an ecological biotic community explored by Phillips. Smuts transformed this research into a policy of racial gradualism that respected local ways of life in different (biotic) communities, a policy he tried to morally sanctify and promote as author of the famous 1945 Preamble of the United Nation Charter about human rights.
  • Scheid, Volker (มิถุนายน 2016). "Chapter 3: Holism, Chinese Medicine, and Systems Ideologies: Rewriting the Past to Imagine the Future". ใน Whitehead, A.; Woods, A.; Atkinson, S.; Macnaughton, J.; Richards, J. (บ.ก.). The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Vol. 1. เอดินบะระ: Edinburgh University Press. doi:10.3366/edinburgh/9781474400046.003.0003. ISBN 9781474400046. S2CID 13333626. Bookshelf ID:NBK379258 – โดยทาง NCBI. Common Roots: Holism Before and During the Interwar Years: This chapter cannot explore in detail the complex entanglements between these different notions of holism, or how they reflect Germany's troubled path towards modernity. My starting point, instead, is the interwar years. By then, holism had become an important resource for people across Europe, the US and beyond – but once again specifically in Germany – for dealing with what Max Weber, in 1918, had famously analysed as a widely felt disenchantment with the modern world. The very word ‘holism’ (as opposed to ideas or practices designated as such today), as well as related words like ‘emergence’ or ‘organicism’, date from this time. It was coined in 1926 by Jan Smuts to describe a perceived tendency of evolutionary processes towards the formation of wholes, granting these wholes a special onto-epistemic significance that parts lack. This was cultural holism now underpinned by evolutionary science and deployed by Smuts not only as a tool for grasping the coming into being of the world but also as an ideological justification for the development of Apartheid in South Africa. In Weimar Germany and then under Nazism, holistic science became a mainstream academic endeavour, once more intermingling cultural politics and serious scientific research. Holistic perspectives also became popular in the interwar years among academics and the wider public throughout the UK and US. In France, it was associated with vitalist philosophies and the emergence of neo-Hippocratic thinking in medicine, manifesting the unease many people felt about the shifts that biomedicine was undergoing at the time.
  • Kitchen, Martin (2006). A History of Modern Germany, 1800–2000. Malden, MA; Oxford, England; Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing, Inc. p. 205. doi:10.5860/choice.44-2914. ISBN 9781405100410. S2CID 159283314.
  • Koenigsberg, Richard A. (2009). Nations have the Right to Kill: Hitler, the Holocaust, and War. นิวยอร์ก: Library of Social Science. p. 2. ISBN 978-0915042234. S2CID 159085948.
  • Mühlberger, Detlef (1980). The sociology of the NSDAP: The question of working-class membership. Journal of Contemporary History. Vol. 15. p. 493–511. doi:10.1177/002200948001500306. S2CID 143874149.
  • Beck, Hermann (2016). "The Antibourgeois Character of National Socialism". The Journal of Modern History. The University of Chicago Press. 88 (3): 572–609. doi:10.1086/687528. S2CID 157869544. สืบค้นเมื่อ 7 ตุลาคม 2021.
  • Bel, Germà (April 2006). "Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany" (PDF). Economic History Review. University of Barcelona. 63 (1): 34–55. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0289.2009.00473.x. hdl:2445/11716. S2CID 154486694. SSRN 895247. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิม (PDF)เมื่อ 20 July 2011. สืบค้นเมื่อ 20 September 2020.
  • Fuchs, Christian (29 มิถุนายน 2017). "The Relevance of Franz L. Neumann's Critical Theory in 2017: Anxiety and Politics in the New Age of Authoritarian Capitalism" (PDF). Media, Culture & Society. 40 (5): 779–791. doi:10.1177/0163443718772147. S2CID 149705789. สืบค้นเมื่อ 8 กรกฎาคม 2020.




  • Friedmann, Jan (21 มกราคม 2010). "The 'Dishonorable' German Girls: The Forgotten Persecution of Women in World War II". Der Spiegel. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 23 พฤศจิกายน 2022. สืบค้นเมื่อ 21 มกราคม 2010. Fellow Germans who engage in sexual relations with male or female civil workers of the Polish nationality, commit other immoral acts or engage in love affairs shall be arrested immediately.













  • "ยอห์น 8:44". พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ภาษาไทย ฉบับมาตรฐาน. สมาคมพระคริสตธรรมไทย. 2011. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 8 ธันวาคม 2022 – โดยทาง Bible.com. พวกท่านมาจากพ่อของท่านคือมาร และท่านอยากจะทำตามความปรารถนาของพ่อ มันเป็นฆาตกรตั้งแต่เริ่มแรกและไม่ได้ตั้งอยู่ในสัจจะ เพราะมันไม่มีสัจจะ เมื่อมันพูดเท็จมันก็พูดตามสันดานของมันเอง เพราะมันเป็นผู้มุสา และเป็นพ่อของการมุสา
  • Skibba, Ramin (20 พฤษภาคม 2019). "The Disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism". Smithsonian. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 11 ตุลาคม 2022. สืบค้นเมื่อ 12 ธันวาคม 2019.
  • Harper, Douglas. "Nazi". etymonline.com. Online Etymology Dictionary. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 26 ตุลาคม 2022. สืบค้นเมื่อ 22 ตุลาคม 2014.
  • Goebbels, Joseph (1927), The Nazi-Sozi, แปลโดย Randall Bytwerk, Calvin College German Propaganda Archive, เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2 ตุลาคม 2022
  • Hitler, Adolf (9 กรกฎาคม 1932) [1923]. "1923 Interview with Adolf Hitler". Liberty (Interview). สัมภาษณ์โดย George Sylvester Viereck. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 5 ตุลาคม 2022.
  • "Florida Holocaust Museum: Antisemitism – Post World War 1". The Florida Holocaust Museum. 2003. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 3 ตุลาคม 2008.
  • "THHP Short Essay: What Was the Final Solution?". Holocaust-History.org. กรกฎาคม 2004. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 15 สิงหาคม 2004.
  • Richards, Robert J. "Myth 19: That Darwin and haeckel were complicit in nazi biology" (PDF). The University of Chicago. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 6 สิงหาคม 2022.
  • Gliožaitis, Algirdas. "Neumanno-Sasso byla" [คดีน็อยมันน์-ซัสส์]. Mažosios Lietuvos enciklopedija (ภาษาลิทัวเนีย). เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2022. สืบค้นเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2022.
  • Sandner, Peter (1999). "Die "Euthanasie"-Akten im Bundesarchiv : Zur Geschichte eines lange verschollenen Bestandes" (PDF). Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (ภาษาเยอรมัน). 47 (3): 385. ISSN 2196-7121. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 พฤศจิกายน 2022. „T4" als Kürzel für „Tiergartenstraße 4", die Berliner Adresse der Dienststelle, welche die nationalsozialistische Krankenmordaktion organisierte. „T4" war keine Tarnbezeichnung, sondern ist eine erst nach 1945 in den Strafverfahren und in der Historiographie verwandte Abkürzung.
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  • Abel, Theodore (1930–1986). Theodore Fred Abel papers. OCLC 754868859.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date format (ลิงก์)
  • Dawidowicz, Lucy (1976). A Holocaust Reader. Behrman House. p. 31. ISBN 9780874412192. OCLC 1947646.
  • Gaab, Jeffrey S. (2008). Munich: Hofbräuhaus & History: Beer, Culture, & Politics (2nd ed.). นิวยอร์ก: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. p. 61. ISBN 9780820486062. OCLC 465239716.
  • Deichmann, Ute (2020). "Science and political ideology: The example of Nazi Germany". Mètode Science Studies Journal. Universitat de València. 10 (Science and Nazism. The unconfessed collaboration of scientists with National Socialism): 129–137. doi:10.7203/metode.10.13657. ISSN 2174-9221. S2CID 203335127. Although in their basic framework Nazi anti-Semitic and racist ideology and policies were not grounded in science, scientists not only supported them in various ways, but also took advantage of them, for example by using the new possibilities of unethical experimentation in humans that these ideologies provided. Scientists’ complicity with Nazi ideology and politics does, however, not mean that all sciences in Nazi Germany were ideologically tainted. I argue, rather, that despite the fact that some areas of science continued at high levels, science in Nazi Germany was most negatively affected not by the imposition of Nazi ideology on the conduct of science but by the enactment of legal measures that ensured the expulsion of Jewish scientists. The anti-Semitism of young faculty and students was particularly virulent. Moreover, I show that scientists supported Nazi ideologies and policies not only through so-called reductionist science such as eugenics and race-hygiene, but also by promoting organicist and holistic ideologies of the racial state. [...] The ideology of leading Nazi party ideologues was strongly influenced by the Volkish movement which, in the wake of the writings of philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte and other nineteenth century authors, promoted the idea of Volk (people) as an organic unity. They did not base their virulent anti-Semitism and racism on anthropological concepts.
  • ผู้ที่จะสมัครชิงรางวัลรีห์ลมีข้อกำหนดเช่นต้องมีเชื้อสายอารยัน และไม่มีหลักฐานความเป็นสมาชิกของพรรคมากซิสต์พรรคใดหรือองค์กรใดก็ตามที่มีจุดยืนต่อต้านชาติสังคมนิยม ดูที่: Stroback, Hermann (1994). "Folklore and Fascism before and around 1933". ใน Dow, James R.; Lixfeld, Hannjost (บ.ก.). The Nazification of an Academic Discipline: Folklore in the Third Reich. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 62–63. ISBN 9780253318213. OCLC 27897231.
  • Stackelberg & Winkle 2002, p. 11. Stackelberg, Roderick; Winkle, Sally Anne (2002). The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology of Texts. ลอนดอน: Routledge. ISBN 9780415222136. OCLC 48013210.
  • Woodman, A. J. (2009). The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus. p. 294. ISBN 9781139002783. OCLC 606621488. The white race was defined as beautiful, honourable and destined to rule; within it the Aryans are 'cette illustre famille humaine, la plus noble' แต่เดิมแล้วมีความหมายเดียวกับคำว่าอินโด-ยูโรเปียน คำว่า 'อารยัน' ได้กลายมาเป็นชื่อของเชื้อชาติ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเป็นผลมาจากความเรียงของกอบีโน ซึ่งเขาระบุไว้ว่าคือ ลา ราส แฌร์มานิก (la race germanique "เชื้อชาติเจอร์แมนิก")
  • Fischel, Jack (1998). The Holocaust. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press. p. 5. ISBN 9781573566599. OCLC 85526659.
  • Rees, Philip (1990). Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890. Simon & Schuster. p. 220. ISBN 0-13-089301-3. OCLC 22347303.
  • Stackelberg & Winkle 2002, p. 45. Stackelberg, Roderick; Winkle, Sally Anne (2002). The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology of Texts. ลอนดอน: Routledge. ISBN 9780415222136. OCLC 48013210.
  • Kershaw, Ian (2001). Hitler, 1936–45: Nemesis. นิวยอร์ก: W.W. Norton & Company Inc. p. 588. ISBN 9780393322521. OCLC 48060062.
  • Welch 2001, pp. 13–14. Welch, David (2001). Hitler: Profile of a Dictator (2nd ed.). นิวยอร์ก: UCL Press. ISBN 9781136401497. OCLC 852158500.
  • Welch 2001, p. 16. Welch, David (2001). Hitler: Profile of a Dictator (2nd ed.). นิวยอร์ก: UCL Press. ISBN 9781136401497. OCLC 852158500.
  • Whitman, James Q. (2017). Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law. Princeton University Press. pp. 37–47. ISBN 9780691172422. OCLC 972093295.
  • Müller, Rolf-Dieter; Ueberschär, Gerd R. (2009). Hitler's War in the East, 1941–1945. Berghahn Books. p. 89. ISBN 9781845455019. OCLC 232002191.
  • Gigliotti, Simone; Lang, Berel (2005). The Holocaust: a reader. Malden, MA; Oxford, England; Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing. p. 14. ISBN 9781405137652. OCLC 60563693.
  • Sandner, Peter (1999). "Die "Euthanasie"-Akten im Bundesarchiv : Zur Geschichte eines lange verschollenen Bestandes" (PDF). Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (ภาษาเยอรมัน). 47 (3): 385. ISSN 2196-7121. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 12 พฤศจิกายน 2022. „T4" als Kürzel für „Tiergartenstraße 4", die Berliner Adresse der Dienststelle, welche die nationalsozialistische Krankenmordaktion organisierte. „T4" war keine Tarnbezeichnung, sondern ist eine erst nach 1945 in den Strafverfahren und in der Historiographie verwandte Abkürzung.
  • Hitler, Adolf (1961). Hitler's Secret Book. New York: Grove Press. pp. 8–9, 17–18. ISBN 978-0-394-62003-9. OCLC 9830111. Sparta must be regarded as the first Völkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day which preserves the most pathological subject.
  • Hawkins, Mike (1997). Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860–1945: nature as model and nature as threat. Cambridge University Press. p. 276. ISBN 978-0-521-57434-1. OCLC 34705047.
  • Nicholls 2000b, p. 245. Nicholls, David (2000b). Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 9780874369656. OCLC 44818459.
  • Spielvogel, Jackson J. (2016). Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History. Routledge. ISBN 9781315509174. OCLC 962355777.
  • Bridenthal, Renate; Koonz, Claudia (1984). "Beyond Kinder, Küche, Kirche: Weimar Women in Politics and Work". ใน Bridenthal, Renate; และคณะ (บ.ก.). When Biology Became Destiny in Weimar and Nazi Germany. นิวยอร์ก: Monthly Review Press. pp. 33–65. ISBN 9780853456421. OCLC 11159823.
  • ฮิมเลอร์คิดไว้ว่าจะให้สมาชิกเอ็สเอ็สเป็นคนทำหน้าที่นี้ ดูที่: Kersten, Felix (1952). Totenkopf und Treue. Aus den Tagebuchblättern des finnischen Medizinalrats Felix Kersten. ฮัมบวร์ค: Mölich Verlag. pp. 228–229. OCLC 4350496. OL 17782438M.
  • Plant 1986, p. 99: "We must exterminate these people root and branch ... the homosexual must be eliminated" Plant, Richard (1986). The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals (First ed.). Owl Books. ISBN 9780805000597. OCLC 13123647.
  • งานวิชาการถึงอิทธิพลซึ่งศาสตรนิพนธ์ ค.ศ. 1543 ของมาร์ติน ลูเทอร์ "ว่าด้วยยิวและคำโกหกของเขา" มีต่อเจตคติของเยอรมนี ดูที่:
    • Wallmann, Johannes (1987). "The Reception of Luther's Writings on the Jews from the Reformation to the End of the 19th Century". Lutheran Quarterly. 1 (1): 72–97. ISSN 0024-7499. The assertion that Luther's expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment have been of major and persistent influence in the centuries after the Reformation, and that there exists a continuity between Protestant anti-Judaism and modern racially oriented anti-Semitism, is at present wide-spread in the literature; since the Second World War it has understandably become the prevailing opinion.
    • Barkai, Avraham (1990). Nazi Economics: Ideology, Theory and Policy. ออกซฟอร์ด: Berg Publishers. ISBN 9780854965830. OCLC 470718145.
    • Hitler, Adolf (1939). Mein Kampf. Hurst and Blackett ltd. p. 343. OCLC 502391614. make war upon the Marxist principle that all men are equal.
    • Nicholls 2000b, p. 50. Nicholls, David (2000b). Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 9780874369656. OCLC 44818459.
    • Connelly, John (2006). "The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia (review)". Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. Slavica Publishers. 7 (4): 922. doi:10.1353/kri.2006.0047. ISSN 1538-5000.
    • De Grand, Alexander J. (2000) [1938]. Italian fascism: Its Origins and Development (3rd ed.). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-0-8032-6622-3. OCLC 42462895.
    • Edwin, Black (2001). IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation (1st ed.). นิวยอร์ก: Crown Publishers. ISBN 978-0-609-60799-2. OCLC 45896166.
    • Paxton, Robert O. (2005). The Anatomy of Fascism (1st ed.). นิวยอร์ก: Vintage Books. ISBN 978-1-4000-3391-1. OCLC 58452991.




