Canghai [沧海], "刘晓波案闪电移送法院 律师两次前往未能会见[ลิงก์เสีย]" [Liu Xiaobo's Case Quickly Escalated to the Court; Lawyers Twice Try to Meet with Liu to No Avail], Canyu [参与], December 11, 2009.
"刘晓波因涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪被依法逮捕เก็บถาวร 2009-06-30 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน" (Liu Xiaobo Formally Arrested on 'Suspicion of Inciting Subversion of State Power' Charges), China Review News, June 24, 2009.
McKinnon, Mark. "Liu Xiaobo could win the Nobel Peace Prize, and he’d be the last to know". The Globe and Mail. 7 October 2010. 'Ms. Liu said her husband had been told by his lawyer during a recent visit that he had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, but he would be shocked if he won, she said. “I think he would definitely find it hard to believe. He never thought of being nominated, he never mentioned any awards. For so many years, he has been calling for people to back the Tiananmen Mothers (a support group formed by parents of students killed in the 1989 demonstrations)..”'
"刘晓波因涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪被依法逮捕เก็บถาวร 2009-06-30 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน" (Liu Xiaobo Formally Arrested on 'Suspicion of Inciting Subversion of State Power' Charges), China Review News, June 24, 2009.