Hong Seung-han (April 23, 2021). "에일리언컴퍼니, 김병철·김지석·이무생 등 배우 12명과 전속 계약 체결" [Alien Company signs exclusive contracts with 12 actors including Kim Byung-cheol, Kim Ji-seok, and Lee Moo-saeng]. Sports Seoul (ภาษาเกาหลี). Naver. สืบค้นเมื่อ August 6, 2021.
Seo Ye-jin (August 6, 2021). "[공식] 이무생, '서른, 아홉' 출연 확정…'부부의 세계' 이후 2년만" [[Official] Lee Moo-saeng confirmed to appear in 'Thirty, Nine'... It's been 2 years since 'The World of the Married']. Ten Asia (ภาษาเกาหลี). Naver. สืบค้นเมื่อ December 6, 2021.