Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Catherine (Galler prensesi)" in Turkish language version.
See: Twelfth paragraph
It was on this job at British Airways that Carole met Michael Middleton, a dispatcher, whose wealthy family hails from Leeds and which has ties to British aristocracy.
...Kate Middleton is privately educated (courtesy of paternal family trust funds established decades ago)...and from a wealthy upper-middle-class family... trusts were set up over 100 years ago..."(Middleton's ) family were upper-middle-class observed a family friend"...
.... She (Kate Middleton) is a woman from an upper-middle-class family...
...Michael Middleton (1949 – ), a flight dispatcher with connections to a distinguished family...
One of the first girls Kate met ... was Jessica Hay who showed (Kate) up to their dormitory...
27th July 1927. Yorkshire news-reports and the Lupton Mayorality Album reveal the following information which pertains to the above photo in which Her Royal Highness, Princess Mary attends a garden party held at Headingley Cricket Ground on 27th July 1927...The Princess carries an impressive bouquet of carnations and trailing fern and is escorted by former Leeds Lord Mayor Sir Edwin Airey, of the building company, William Airey and Son Leeds Ltd. The Lady Mayoress, Isabella Lupton escorts the Princess's husband, Viscount Lascelles, who is behind his wife. The Lord Mayor, Alderman Hugh Lupton, Lady Clarke and Mrs R.N. Middleton bring up the rear of the procession.
As Chairman of the Leeds General Infirmary, Henry (Dubs Middleton) had played host to Princess Mary when she visited the Leeds General Infirmary in 1932
"To my mind it's just silly to describe Kate as middle-class", (says Reed)
Lady Airedale was a [second] cousin of Michael Middleton's grandmother, Olive [Middleton]. She lived in a grand...Two of her father Michael's relations were baronesses who were invited to successive coronations, and one of them, Baroness Airedale, was photographed wearing a coronet and ceremonial robes on the day of George V's coronation in 1911.....some of the family wealth trickled down to the Duchess and her siblings through trust funds set up decades ago to pay for the education of members of the family
As long ago as 1926, the Middleton family played host to the Queen's aunt, Princess Mary and another relative ... was a friend of George V
In their first year, they lived a few doors apart at St Salvator's hall...
Buckingham Palace said in a statement published at 8 am on Friday: 'The Queen has today been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince William of Wales. 'His titles will be Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus. 'Prince William thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge and Miss Catherine Middleton on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.'
...and now the Duchess of Cambridge has shown the “Kate effect” works just as well on charitable giving.
See: Twelfth paragraph
Her candid video has also helped drive record traffic to the campaign’s website— the “Kate effect” in action.
...Kate Middleton is privately educated (courtesy of paternal family trust funds established decades ago)...and from a wealthy upper-middle-class family... trusts were set up over 100 years ago..."(Middleton's ) family were upper-middle-class observed a family friend"...
.... She (Kate Middleton) is a woman from an upper-middle-class family...
"To my mind it's just silly to describe Kate as middle-class", (says Reed)
...Michael Middleton (1949 – ), a flight dispatcher with connections to a distinguished family...
Lady Airedale was a [second] cousin of Michael Middleton's grandmother, Olive [Middleton]. She lived in a grand...Two of her father Michael's relations were baronesses who were invited to successive coronations, and one of them, Baroness Airedale, was photographed wearing a coronet and ceremonial robes on the day of George V's coronation in 1911.....some of the family wealth trickled down to the Duchess and her siblings through trust funds set up decades ago to pay for the education of members of the family
It was on this job at British Airways that Carole met Michael Middleton, a dispatcher, whose wealthy family hails from Leeds and which has ties to British aristocracy.
27th July 1927. Yorkshire news-reports and the Lupton Mayorality Album reveal the following information which pertains to the above photo in which Her Royal Highness, Princess Mary attends a garden party held at Headingley Cricket Ground on 27th July 1927...The Princess carries an impressive bouquet of carnations and trailing fern and is escorted by former Leeds Lord Mayor Sir Edwin Airey, of the building company, William Airey and Son Leeds Ltd. The Lady Mayoress, Isabella Lupton escorts the Princess's husband, Viscount Lascelles, who is behind his wife. The Lord Mayor, Alderman Hugh Lupton, Lady Clarke and Mrs R.N. Middleton bring up the rear of the procession.
As long ago as 1926, the Middleton family played host to the Queen's aunt, Princess Mary and another relative ... was a friend of George V
As Chairman of the Leeds General Infirmary, Henry (Dubs Middleton) had played host to Princess Mary when she visited the Leeds General Infirmary in 1932
One of the first girls Kate met ... was Jessica Hay who showed (Kate) up to their dormitory...
In their first year, they lived a few doors apart at St Salvator's hall...
Buckingham Palace said in a statement published at 8 am on Friday: 'The Queen has today been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince William of Wales. 'His titles will be Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus. 'Prince William thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge and Miss Catherine Middleton on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.'
Her candid video has also helped drive record traffic to the campaign’s website— the “Kate effect” in action.
...and now the Duchess of Cambridge has shown the “Kate effect” works just as well on charitable giving.