Agustí, J and Antón, M (2002). Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids: 65 Million Years of Mammalian Evolution in Europe. Retrieved from Google Books 13 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
Joeckel, R.M. A functional interpretation of the masticatory system and paleoecology of entelodonts. Retrieved from 10 Nisan 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
"Entelodon".şivlenmesi gereken bağlantıya sahip kaynak şablonu içeren maddeler (link)
Agustí, J and Antón, M (2002). Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids: 65 Million Years of Mammalian Evolution in Europe. Retrieved from Google Books 13 Temmuz 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
Joeckel, R.M. A functional interpretation of the masticatory system and paleoecology of entelodonts. Retrieved from 10 Nisan 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.