Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hukuki nihilizm" in Turkish language version.
Legal nihilism is such an attitude towards law.
Legal nihilism is "an erosion of the belief in law as a beneficial institution of societal organization."
Legal nihilism, according to scientists, politicians, journalists and other public figures, is a very destructive, widely spread phenomenon in contemporary Belarus (Russia, Ukraine and some other countries of the former-USSR) and typical for this territory.
This might be the only hope for Russia to get out of the morass of internal legal nihilism.
In essence, this leads to a denial of international law, to international-legal nihilism. The dualist theory proceeds from the fact that international and national law belong to autonomous legal systems independent of one another
У име “заштите људских права„ на делу је “оружани хуманизам„, у име демократије на делу је “Томахавк демократија„. Опасност по свет не долази од национализма, па ни комунизма, него од правног нихилизма, који је дошао до пуног изражаја у процесу разарања Југославије од 1991. до данас.["Armed humanism" has been introduced in the name of "human rights protection", "Tomahawk democracy" has been introduced in the name of democracy. Main danger for the world does not come from nationalism nor communism, but from legal nihilism, which was fully employed during the process of destruction of Yugoslavia since 1991 until today.]
Legal nihilism is such an attitude towards law.
Legal nihilism is "an erosion of the belief in law as a beneficial institution of societal organization."
Legal nihilism, according to scientists, politicians, journalists and other public figures, is a very destructive, widely spread phenomenon in contemporary Belarus (Russia, Ukraine and some other countries of the former-USSR) and typical for this territory.
This might be the only hope for Russia to get out of the morass of internal legal nihilism.
In essence, this leads to a denial of international law, to international-legal nihilism. The dualist theory proceeds from the fact that international and national law belong to autonomous legal systems independent of one another
У име “заштите људских права„ на делу је “оружани хуманизам„, у име демократије на делу је “Томахавк демократија„. Опасност по свет не долази од национализма, па ни комунизма, него од правног нихилизма, који је дошао до пуног изражаја у процесу разарања Југославије од 1991. до данас.["Armed humanism" has been introduced in the name of "human rights protection", "Tomahawk democracy" has been introduced in the name of democracy. Main danger for the world does not come from nationalism nor communism, but from legal nihilism, which was fully employed during the process of destruction of Yugoslavia since 1991 until today.]