"Solanales plant order". William G. D'Arcy Senior Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Editor of Solanaceae: Biology and Systematics and others. 30 Haziran 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
Reveal, James L. (2011). "Summary of recent systems of angiosperm classification". Kew Bulletin. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 66: 5-48. doi:10.1007/s12225-011-9259-y.
"Solanales plant order". William G. D'Arcy Senior Curator, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Editor of Solanaceae: Biology and Systematics and others. 30 Haziran 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.