D.P. Gilmore, C.P. Da Costa und D.P.F. Duarte: Sloth biology: an update on their physiological ecology, behavior and role as vectors of arthropods and arboviruses. In: Braz J Med Biol Res, Volume 34(1), 2001, S. 9–25 Online-Ausgabe 4 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
D.P. Gilmore, C.P. Da Costa und D.P.F. Duarte: Sloth biology: an update on their physiological ecology, behavior and role as vectors of arthropods and arboviruses. In: Braz J Med Biol Res, Volume 34(1), 2001, S. 9–25 Online-Ausgabe 4 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.