Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., The Railroads: Pioneers in Modern Corporate Management, "" Business History Review Vol. 39, No. 1, Special Transportation Issue (Spring, 1965), pp. 16-40 in JSTOR [Архівовано 3 лютого 2021 у Wayback Machine.]
Neil Harris, "The Gilded Age Revisited: Boston and the Museum Movement, " American Quarterly Vol. 14, No. 4 (Winter, 1962), pp. 545—566 in JSTOR [Архівовано 27 вересня 2016 у Wayback Machine.]
Charles Howard Hopkins. The Rise of the Social Gospel in American Protestantism, 1865—1915. (1940) online edition [Архівовано 29 липня 2012 у Wayback Machine.]
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., The Railroads: Pioneers in Modern Corporate Management, "" Business History Review Vol. 39, No. 1, Special Transportation Issue (Spring, 1965), pp. 16-40 in JSTOR [Архівовано 3 лютого 2021 у Wayback Machine.]
Neil Harris, "The Gilded Age Revisited: Boston and the Museum Movement, " American Quarterly Vol. 14, No. 4 (Winter, 1962), pp. 545—566 in JSTOR [Архівовано 27 вересня 2016 у Wayback Machine.]
Charles Howard Hopkins. The Rise of the Social Gospel in American Protestantism, 1865—1915. (1940) online edition [Архівовано 29 липня 2012 у Wayback Machine.]