HTML (Ukrainian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "HTML" in Ukrainian language version.

Global rank Ukrainian rank
24th place
3rd place
691st place
553rd place
1st place
1st place
8,307th place
5,869th place
4,871st place
2,260th place
2,431st place
3,053rd place
6th place
6th place
896th place
1,786th place
6,219th place
low place
2,429th place
4,749th place

  • Krill, Paul (16 червня 2009). HTML 5: Could it kill Flash and Silverlight?. InfoWorld. Computerworld. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009. HTML 5, a groundbreaking upgrade to the prominent Web presentation specification, could become a game-changer in Web application development, one that might even make obsolete such plug-in-based rich Internet application (RIA) technologies as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX.

  • Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila (2001). The Semantic Web. Scientific American. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. At the doctor's office, Lucy instructed her Semantic Web agent through her handheld Web browser. The agent promptly retrieved information about Mom's prescribed treatment from the doctor's agent, looked up several lists of providers, and checked for the ones in-plan for Mom's insurance within a 20-mile radius of her home and with a rating of excellent or very good on trusted rating services. It then began trying to find a match between available appointment times at Pete's and Lucy's busy schedules. In a few minutes the agent presented them with a plan. Pete didn't like it. University Hospital was all the way across town from Mom's place, and he'd be driving back in the middle of rush hour. He set his own agent to redo the search with stricter preferences about location and time. Lucy's agent, having complete trust in Pete's agent in the context of the present task, automatically assisted by supplying access certificates and shortcuts to the data it had already sorted through. Almost instantly the new plan was presented: a much closer clinic and earlier times.…

  • Nigel Shadbolt, Wendy Hall and Tim Berners-Lee (2006). The Semantic Web Revisited (PDF). IEEE Intelligent Systems. Архів оригіналу (PDF) за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 жовтня 2009.

  • Pris Sears (1996). HTML. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. The final control of HTML rests squarely on the shoulders of individual authors of HTML documents. If authors can be seduced by blinking, barking, and spinning proprietary tags, and do not care who is excluded by such practices, the Web will become more and more fragmented. If authors decide that the most important facet of HTML is its device independence, its ability to make information sharable to everyone in the world, regardless of software and hardware, then HTML specifications will be adhered to.

  • HTML & CSS - W3C. (англ.). Архів оригіналу за 29 листопада 2010. Процитовано 22 листопада 2017.
  • Tim Berners-Lee, «Information Management: A Proposal.» [Архівовано 1 квітня 2010 у Wayback Machine.] CERN (March 1989, May 1990).
  • Index of elements in HTML 4. World Wide Web Consortium. 24 грудня 1999. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 19 листопада 2009.
  • Information Management: A Proposal, Tim Berners-Lee, 1989. Архів оригіналу за 1 квітня 2010. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • HTML, Urversion. Архів оригіналу за 26 червня 2010. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • A Review of the HTML+ Document Format, David Raggett. Архів оригіналу за 29 лютого 2000. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • HTML 5, W3C Working Draft. Архів оригіналу за 10 червня 2008. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • HTML Design Constraints. 03. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. Many text editing systems (Microsoft Word, The NeXT text object, the Mac text object, etc) handle text in a variety of styles but do not have any concept of nestable structure in the SGML sense. …It is required that HTML be a common language between all platforms. This implies no device-specific markup, or anything which requires control over fonts or colors, for example. This is in keeping with the SGML ideal.
  • Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification. W3C. 8 вересня 2009. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. CSS 2.1 is a style sheet language that allows authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts and spacing) to structured documents (e.g., HTML documents and XML applications). By separating the presentation style of documents from the content of documents, CSS 2.1 simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance.
  • Introduction — HTML5. W3C. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009. This specification is limited to providing a semantic-level markup language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for authoring accessible pages on the Web ranging from static documents to dynamic applications.
  • Steven Pemberton (21 липня 2004). HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 8 грудня 2009. HTML is probably the most successful document markup language in the world. But when XML was introduced, a two-day workshop was organised to discuss whether a new version of HTML in XML was needed. The opinion at the workshop was a clear 'Yes': with an XML-based HTML other XML languages could include bits of XHTML, and XHTML documents could include bits of other markup languages. We could also take advantage of the redesign to clean up some of the more untidy parts of HTML, and add some new needed functionality, like better forms.
  • Steven Pemberton (21 липня 2004). HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 8 грудня 2009. If your document is just pure XHTML 1.0 (not including other markup languages) then you will not yet notice much difference. However as more and more XML tools become available, such as XSLT for tranforming documents, you will start noticing the advantages of using XHTML. XForms for instance will allow you to edit XHTML documents (or any other sort of XML document) in simple controllable ways. Semantic Web applications will be able to take advantage of XHTML documents. If your document is more than XHTML 1.0, for instance including MathML, SMIL, or SVG, then the advantages are immediate: you can't do that sort of thing with HTML.

  • Help and FAQ for the Markup Validator. World Wide Web Consortium. 6 липня 2007. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 29 листопада 2009. One of the important maxims of computer programming is: «Be conservative in what you produce; be liberal in what you accept.»

  • HTML & CSS - W3C. (англ.). Архів оригіналу за 29 листопада 2010. Процитовано 22 листопада 2017.
  • Tim Berners-Lee, «Information Management: A Proposal.» [Архівовано 1 квітня 2010 у Wayback Machine.] CERN (March 1989, May 1990).
  • Raymond, Eric. IETF and the RFC Standards Process. The Art of Unix Programming. Архів оригіналу за 17 березня 2005. Процитовано 21 листопада 2009.
  • Information Management: A Proposal, Tim Berners-Lee, 1989. Архів оригіналу за 1 квітня 2010. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • HTML, Urversion. Архів оригіналу за 26 червня 2010. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • A Review of the HTML+ Document Format, David Raggett. Архів оригіналу за 29 лютого 2000. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.
  • HTML 5, W3C Working Draft. Архів оригіналу за 10 червня 2008. Процитовано 4 червня 2008.

  • First mention of HTML Tags on the www-talk mailing list. World Wide Web Consortium. 29 жовтня 1991. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 19 листопада 2009.
  • Index of elements in HTML 4. World Wide Web Consortium. 24 грудня 1999. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 19 листопада 2009.
  • Tim Berners-Lee (9 грудня 1991). Re: SGML/HTML docs, X Browser (archived www-talk mailing list post). Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 19 листопада 2009. SGML is very general. HTML is a specific application of the SGML basic syntax applied to hypertext documents with simple structure.
  • Help and FAQ for the Markup Validator. World Wide Web Consortium. 6 липня 2007. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 29 листопада 2009. One of the important maxims of computer programming is: «Be conservative in what you produce; be liberal in what you accept.»
  • HTML Design Constraints. 03. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. Many text editing systems (Microsoft Word, The NeXT text object, the Mac text object, etc) handle text in a variety of styles but do not have any concept of nestable structure in the SGML sense. …It is required that HTML be a common language between all platforms. This implies no device-specific markup, or anything which requires control over fonts or colors, for example. This is in keeping with the SGML ideal.
  • Pris Sears (1996). HTML. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. The final control of HTML rests squarely on the shoulders of individual authors of HTML documents. If authors can be seduced by blinking, barking, and spinning proprietary tags, and do not care who is excluded by such practices, the Web will become more and more fragmented. If authors decide that the most important facet of HTML is its device independence, its ability to make information sharable to everyone in the world, regardless of software and hardware, then HTML specifications will be adhered to.
  • Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification. W3C. 8 вересня 2009. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. CSS 2.1 is a style sheet language that allows authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts and spacing) to structured documents (e.g., HTML documents and XML applications). By separating the presentation style of documents from the content of documents, CSS 2.1 simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance.
  • Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila (2001). The Semantic Web. Scientific American. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 1 грудня 2009. At the doctor's office, Lucy instructed her Semantic Web agent through her handheld Web browser. The agent promptly retrieved information about Mom's prescribed treatment from the doctor's agent, looked up several lists of providers, and checked for the ones in-plan for Mom's insurance within a 20-mile radius of her home and with a rating of excellent or very good on trusted rating services. It then began trying to find a match between available appointment times at Pete's and Lucy's busy schedules. In a few minutes the agent presented them with a plan. Pete didn't like it. University Hospital was all the way across town from Mom's place, and he'd be driving back in the middle of rush hour. He set his own agent to redo the search with stricter preferences about location and time. Lucy's agent, having complete trust in Pete's agent in the context of the present task, automatically assisted by supplying access certificates and shortcuts to the data it had already sorted through. Almost instantly the new plan was presented: a much closer clinic and earlier times.…
  • Nigel Shadbolt, Wendy Hall and Tim Berners-Lee (2006). The Semantic Web Revisited (PDF). IEEE Intelligent Systems. Архів оригіналу (PDF) за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 жовтня 2009.
  • Архівована копія. Архів оригіналу за 7 червня 2012. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009.{{cite web}}: Обслуговування CS1: Сторінки з текстом «archived copy» як значення параметру title (посилання)
  • Krill, Paul (16 червня 2009). HTML 5: Could it kill Flash and Silverlight?. InfoWorld. Computerworld. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009. HTML 5, a groundbreaking upgrade to the prominent Web presentation specification, could become a game-changer in Web application development, one that might even make obsolete such plug-in-based rich Internet application (RIA) technologies as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX.
  • Introduction — HTML5. W3C. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009. This specification is limited to providing a semantic-level markup language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for authoring accessible pages on the Web ranging from static documents to dynamic applications.
  • When will HTML5 be finished?. WHATWG Wiki. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009. Different parts of the specification are at different maturity levels. Some sections are already relatively stable and there are implementations that are already quite close to completion, and those features can be used today. But other sections are still being actively worked on and changed regularly, or not even written yet.
  • Steven Pemberton (21 липня 2004). HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 8 грудня 2009. HTML is probably the most successful document markup language in the world. But when XML was introduced, a two-day workshop was organised to discuss whether a new version of HTML in XML was needed. The opinion at the workshop was a clear 'Yes': with an XML-based HTML other XML languages could include bits of XHTML, and XHTML documents could include bits of other markup languages. We could also take advantage of the redesign to clean up some of the more untidy parts of HTML, and add some new needed functionality, like better forms.
  • Steven Pemberton (21 липня 2004). HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 8 грудня 2009. If your document is just pure XHTML 1.0 (not including other markup languages) then you will not yet notice much difference. However as more and more XML tools become available, such as XSLT for tranforming documents, you will start noticing the advantages of using XHTML. XForms for instance will allow you to edit XHTML documents (or any other sort of XML document) in simple controllable ways. Semantic Web applications will be able to take advantage of XHTML documents. If your document is more than XHTML 1.0, for instance including MathML, SMIL, or SVG, then the advantages are immediate: you can't do that sort of thing with HTML.

  • When will HTML5 be finished?. WHATWG Wiki. Архів оригіналу за 12 травня 2013. Процитовано 2 грудня 2009. Different parts of the specification are at different maturity levels. Some sections are already relatively stable and there are implementations that are already quite close to completion, and those features can be used today. But other sections are still being actively worked on and changed regularly, or not even written yet.