Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "MicroMV" in Ukrainian language version.
The last camcorder with MicroMV was discontinued in early 2006.
[Sony is] also dropping its MicroMV camcorder tapes In a bid to... make space in the warehouse, we guess.
ソニーは2016年3月※をもって、ベータビデオカセットおよびマイクロMVカセットの出荷を終了いたします。 ("Sony with a ? March 2016, will end the shipment of beta video cassette and micro cassette MV.")
"Sony will end the shipment of Betamax video cassettes and micro MV cassettes in March 2016," the company said in a Japanese-language statement on its website.
The last camcorder with MicroMV was discontinued in early 2006.
"Sony will end the shipment of Betamax video cassettes and micro MV cassettes in March 2016," the company said in a Japanese-language statement on its website.
ソニーは2016年3月※をもって、ベータビデオカセットおよびマイクロMVカセットの出荷を終了いたします。 ("Sony with a ? March 2016, will end the shipment of beta video cassette and micro cassette MV.")
[Sony is] also dropping its MicroMV camcorder tapes In a bid to... make space in the warehouse, we guess.