JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris for 2021N1 from 2017-Sep-01 to 2017-Oct-01. JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Процитовано 28 лютого 2024. Ephemeris Type: Observer. Center: 500@899 (Neptune body center) Periapsis occurs when radial velocity (deldot) changes from negative to positive. Distance from Neptune (delta) is given in AU.
JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris for 2021N1 from 2032-Mar-01 to 2032-Apr-01. JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Процитовано 28 лютого 2024. Ephemeris Type: Observer. Center: 500@899 (Neptune body center) Apoapsis when radial velocity (deldot) changes from positive to negative. Distance from Neptune (delta) is given in AU.
JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris for 2021N1 from 2002-Nov-01 to 2002-Dec-01. JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Процитовано 28 лютого 2024. Ephemeris Type: Observer. Center: 500@899 (Neptune body center) Apoapsis when radial velocity (deldot) changes from positive to negative. Distance from Neptune (delta) is given in AU.
Williams, David R. (11 січня 2024). Mercury Fact Sheet. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA. Процитовано 28 лютого 2024.