Raum, John O. The History of New Jersey: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 1 [Архівовано 25 квітня 2016 у Wayback Machine.], p. 266, J. E. Potter and company, 1877. Accessed 20 серпня 2013. "Alexandria township was incorporated in 1798. Mount Pleasant, Little York, Everittstown, Musconetcong, Holland, and Milford are post towns. On its northern end, bordering on Warren county, is some very fine iron ore. Milford is a thriving village on the Delaware, in a highly fertile and well cultivated region. The township of Alexandria contained in 1850, 3,811 inhabitants; in 1860, 4,088; and in 1870 3,341."
Raum, John O. The History of New Jersey: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Volume 1 [Архівовано 25 квітня 2016 у Wayback Machine.], p. 266, J. E. Potter and company, 1877. Accessed 20 серпня 2013. "Alexandria township was incorporated in 1798. Mount Pleasant, Little York, Everittstown, Musconetcong, Holland, and Milford are post towns. On its northern end, bordering on Warren county, is some very fine iron ore. Milford is a thriving village on the Delaware, in a highly fertile and well cultivated region. The township of Alexandria contained in 1850, 3,811 inhabitants; in 1860, 4,088; and in 1870 3,341."