Гра для персонального комп'ютера (Ukrainian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Гра для персонального комп'ютера" in Ukrainian language version.

Global rank Ukrainian rank
1st place
1st place
24th place
3rd place
low place
low place
53rd place
176th place
low place
low place
499th place
1,193rd place



  • Sweeny, Tim (2007). Next-Gen podcast. Next Generation Magazine podcast. Архів оригіналу за 14 травня 2013. Процитовано 23 лютого 2012. We've been developing games that are community-based for more than ten years now, ever since the original Unreal and Unreal Tournament. We've had games that have had free online gameplay, free server lists, and in 2003 we shipped a game with in-game voice support, and a lot of features that gamers have now come to expect on the PC platform. A lot of these things are now features that Microsoft is planning to charge for.






  • Sweeny, Tim (2007). Next-Gen podcast. Next Generation Magazine podcast. Архів оригіналу за 14 травня 2013. Процитовано 23 лютого 2012. We've been developing games that are community-based for more than ten years now, ever since the original Unreal and Unreal Tournament. We've had games that have had free online gameplay, free server lists, and in 2003 we shipped a game with in-game voice support, and a lot of features that gamers have now come to expect on the PC platform. A lot of these things are now features that Microsoft is planning to charge for.
  • Lane, Rick (13 грудня 2011). Is PC Gaming Really More Expensive Than Consoles?. IGN. Архів оригіналу за 29 травня 2012. Процитовано 19 червня 2012.
