Greve, Henrich R.; Palmer, Donald; Pozner, Jo‐Ellen (2010). Organizations Gone Wild: The Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Organizational Misconduct. Academy of Management Annals(англ.). 4 (1): 53—107. doi:10.5465/19416521003654186. ISSN1941-6520.
Harris, Jared; Bromiley, Philip (2007). Incentives to Cheat: The Influence of Executive Compensation and Firm Performance on Financial Misrepresentation. Organization Science. 18 (3): 350—367. doi:10.1287/orsc.1060.0241. ISSN1047-7039. JSTOR25146106.
Zahra, Shaker A.; Priem, Richard L.; Rasheed, Abdul A. (2005). The Antecedents and Consequences of Top Management Fraud. Journal of Management(амер.). 31 (6): 803—828. doi:10.1177/0149206305279598. ISSN0149-2063.
Bertrand, Olivier; Lumineau, Fabrice (2016). Partners in Crime: The Effects of Diversity on the Longevity of Cartels. Academy of Management Journal. 59 (3): 983—1008. doi:10.5465/amj.2013.1209. ISSN0001-4273.
Harris, Jared; Bromiley, Philip (2007). Incentives to Cheat: The Influence of Executive Compensation and Firm Performance on Financial Misrepresentation. Organization Science. 18 (3): 350—367. doi:10.1287/orsc.1060.0241. ISSN1047-7039. JSTOR25146106.
Greve, Henrich R.; Palmer, Donald; Pozner, Jo‐Ellen (2010). Organizations Gone Wild: The Causes, Processes, and Consequences of Organizational Misconduct. Academy of Management Annals(англ.). 4 (1): 53—107. doi:10.5465/19416521003654186. ISSN1941-6520.
Harris, Jared; Bromiley, Philip (2007). Incentives to Cheat: The Influence of Executive Compensation and Firm Performance on Financial Misrepresentation. Organization Science. 18 (3): 350—367. doi:10.1287/orsc.1060.0241. ISSN1047-7039. JSTOR25146106.
Zahra, Shaker A.; Priem, Richard L.; Rasheed, Abdul A. (2005). The Antecedents and Consequences of Top Management Fraud. Journal of Management(амер.). 31 (6): 803—828. doi:10.1177/0149206305279598. ISSN0149-2063.
Bertrand, Olivier; Lumineau, Fabrice (2016). Partners in Crime: The Effects of Diversity on the Longevity of Cartels. Academy of Management Journal. 59 (3): 983—1008. doi:10.5465/amj.2013.1209. ISSN0001-4273.