Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Симфонія № 6 (Бетховен)" in Ukrainian language version.
Как и до-минорная, Пасторальная симфония посвящена покровителю Бетховена, венскому меценату князю Ф. И. Лобковицу и русскому посланнику в Вене графу А. К. Разумовскому.
Not only did both have the same period of genesis and the same dedicatees (Count Razumovsky and Prince Lobkowitz), but they were also published within weeks of one another in the spring of 1809 and premiered together (in reverse order and with their numbers switched).
Not only did both have the same period of genesis and the same dedicatees (Count Razumovsky and Prince Lobkowitz), but they were also published within weeks of one another in the spring of 1809 and premiered together (in reverse order and with their numbers switched).
Как и до-минорная, Пасторальная симфония посвящена покровителю Бетховена, венскому меценату князю Ф. И. Лобковицу и русскому посланнику в Вене графу А. К. Разумовскому.