including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
стр. 490, 214, 219, 365—366, 367, 371, 377, 398, Щавелева Н. И. // Древняя Русь в «Польской истории» Яна Длугоша [Архівовано 2014-10-23 у Wayback Machine.]. (Книги I—VI): текст, перевод, комментарий — г. Москва: Памятники исторической мысли, 2004 г. — 493 с.: ил.; 22. — (Древнейшие источники по истории Восточной Европы / редкол.: акад. РАН В. Л. Янин (отв. ред. и др.). Часть текста парал. на рус. и лат. яз. — Библиогр.: с. 453—461, в тексте и в подстроч. прим. — Указатели: с. 463—494. — 800 экз. — ISBN 5-88451-135-3. (рос.)(лат.)
including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
including 36,522,000 single ethnic identity, 871,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 431,000 Polish and Silesian, 216,000 Polish and Kashubian and 224,000 Polish and another identity) in Poland (according to the census 2011) and estimated 20,000,000 out of Poland Świat Polonii, witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska: «Polacy za granicą» [Архівовано 24 жовтня 2013 у Wayback Machine.] (Polish people abroad as per summary by Świat Polonii, internet portal of the Polish Association Wspólnota Polska)
including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
including 36,522,000 single ethnic identity, 871,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 431,000 Polish and Silesian, 216,000 Polish and Kashubian and 224,000 Polish and another identity) in Poland (according to the census 2011) and estimated 20,000,000 out of Poland Świat Polonii, witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska: «Polacy za granicą» [Архівовано 24 жовтня 2013 у Wayback Machine.] (Polish people abroad as per summary by Świat Polonii, internet portal of the Polish Association Wspólnota Polska)
including 4,353,000 in Slovakia (according to the census 2011), 147,000 single ethnic identity, 19,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 18,000 Czech and Slovak and 1,000 Slovak and another identity) in Czech Republic (according to the census 2011), 53,000 in Serbia (according to the census 2011), 762,000 in the USA (according to the census 2010 [Архівовано 18 січня 2015 у]), 2,000 single ethnic identity and 1,000 multiple ethnic identity Slovak and Polish in Poland (according to the census 2011), 21,000 single ethnic identity, 43,000 multiple ethnic identity in Canada (according to the census 2006 [Архівовано 2018-12-25 у Wayback Machine.])
стр. 490, 214, 219, 365—366, 367, 371, 377, 398, Щавелева Н. И. // Древняя Русь в «Польской истории» Яна Длугоша [Архівовано 2014-10-23 у Wayback Machine.]. (Книги I—VI): текст, перевод, комментарий — г. Москва: Памятники исторической мысли, 2004 г. — 493 с.: ил.; 22. — (Древнейшие источники по истории Восточной Европы / редкол.: акад. РАН В. Л. Янин (отв. ред. и др.). Часть текста парал. на рус. и лат. яз. — Библиогр.: с. 453—461, в тексте и в подстроч. прим. — Указатели: с. 463—494. — 800 экз. — ISBN 5-88451-135-3. (рос.)(лат.)
* А. А. Щербаков. «Онъ» и «Азъ». История термина «славяне» (Исторические чтения) // Звезда (СПб.)[ru]. — 1993. — № 5. — С. 174—197. — ISSN 0321-1878 (рос.)
including 36,522,000 single ethnic identity, 871,000 multiple ethnic identity (especially 431,000 Polish and Silesian, 216,000 Polish and Kashubian and 224,000 Polish and another identity) in Poland (according to the census 2011) and estimated 20,000,000 out of Poland Świat Polonii, witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska: «Polacy za granicą» [Архівовано 24 жовтня 2013 у Wayback Machine.] (Polish people abroad as per summary by Świat Polonii, internet portal of the Polish Association Wspólnota Polska)