Repression and Repressive Violence: Proceedings of the 3rd International Working Conference on Violence and Non-violent Action in Industrialized Societies By Marjo Hoefnagels Published by Transaction Publishers, 1977 ISBN 978-90-265-0256-9. 194 pages Page 17.
Repression and Repressive Violence: Proceedings of the 3rd International Working Conference on Violence and Non-violent Action in Industrialized Societies By Marjo Hoefnagels Published by Transaction Publishers, 1977 ISBN 978-90-265-0256-9. 194 pages Page 15.
Repression and Repressive Violence: Proceedings of the 3rd International Working Conference on Violence and Non-violent Action in Industrialized Societies By Marjo Hoefnagels Published by Transaction Publishers, 1977 ISBN 978-90-265-0256-9. 194 pages Page 23
The Phenomenon of Torture: Readings and Commentary By William F. Schulz, Juan E. Mendez Contributor William F. Schulz, Juan E. Mendez Published by University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007 ISBN 978-0-8122-1982-1. 389 pages p. 121
Voices for Freedom: An Amnesty International Anthology By Amnesty International, Amnesty International Published by Amnesty International Publications, 1986 Original from the University of Michigan Digitized Mar 27, 2007 ISBN 978-0-939994-20-5. 208 pages
Book: The Trials of the Junta, 12 Volumes Pericles Rodakis (publisher), The Trials of the Junta: A: The Trial of the Instigators, B: The Trial of the Polytechnic, C: The Trials of the Torturers (Περικλής Ροδάκης (εκδ.), Οι Δίκες της Χούντας: Α: Η Δίκη των Πρωταιτίων, Β: Η Δίκη του Πολυτεχνείου, Γ: Οι Δίκες των Βασανιστών, 12 τόμοι, Αθήνα 1975-1976)