Техніка «двері в обличчя» (Ukrainian Wikipedia)

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  • Cialdini, R.B.; Vincent, J.E.; Lewis, S.K.; Catalan, J.; Wheeler, D.; Darby, B. L. (1975). Reciprocal concessions procedure for inducing compliance: the door-in-the-face technique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 31 (2): 206—215. doi:10.1037/h0076284.
  • Millar, M. G. (2002). Effects of a guilt induction and guilt reduction on door in the face. Communication Research. 29 (6): 666—680. doi:10.1177/009365002237831.
  • Turner, M. M.; Tamborini, R.; Limon, M. S.; Zuckerman-Hyman, C. (2007). The moderators and mediators of door-in-the-face requests: Is it a negotiation or a helping experience?. Communication Monographs. 74 (3): 333—356. CiteSeerX doi:10.1080/03637750701543469.
  • Millar, M. G. (2002). The effectiveness of the door-in-the-face compliance strategy on friends and strangers. The Journal of Social Psychology. 142 (3): 295—304. doi:10.1080/00224540209603901. PMID 12058971.
  • Patch, M. E.; Hoang, V. R.; Stahelski, A. J. (1997). The use of metacommunication in compliance: Door-in-the-face and single-request strategies. The Journal of Social Psychology. 137: 88—94. doi:10.1080/00224549709595416.
  • Chan, A. C.; Au, T. K. (2011). Getting children to do more academic work: Foot-in-the-door versus door-in-the-face. Teaching and Teacher Education. 27 (6): 982—985. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.04.007. {{cite journal}}: |hdl-access= вимагає |hdl= (довідка)


  • Cialdini, R.B.; Vincent, J.E.; Lewis, S.K.; Catalan, J.; Wheeler, D.; Darby, B. L. (1975). Reciprocal concessions procedure for inducing compliance: the door-in-the-face technique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 31 (2): 206—215. doi:10.1037/h0076284.
  • Pascual, A.; Guéguen, N. (2005). Foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face: A comparative meta-analytic study. Psychological Reports. 96 (1): 122—128. doi:10.2466/PR0.96.1.122-128. PMID 15825914.
  • Millar, M. G. (2002). Effects of a guilt induction and guilt reduction on door in the face. Communication Research. 29 (6): 666—680. doi:10.1177/009365002237831.
  • Tusing, K. J.; Dillard, J. P. (2000). The psychological reality of the door-in-the-face: It's helping, not bargaining. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 19: 5—25. doi:10.1177/0261927X00019001001.
  • Turner, M. M.; Tamborini, R.; Limon, M. S.; Zuckerman-Hyman, C. (2007). The moderators and mediators of door-in-the-face requests: Is it a negotiation or a helping experience?. Communication Monographs. 74 (3): 333—356. CiteSeerX doi:10.1080/03637750701543469.
  • Lecat, B.; Hilton, D. J.; Crano, W. D. (2009). Group status and reciprocity norms: Can the door-in-the-face effect be obtained in an out-group context?. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. 13 (3): 178—189. doi:10.1037/a0014956.
  • Millar, M. G. (2002). The effectiveness of the door-in-the-face compliance strategy on friends and strangers. The Journal of Social Psychology. 142 (3): 295—304. doi:10.1080/00224540209603901. PMID 12058971.
  • Patch, M. E.; Hoang, V. R.; Stahelski, A. J. (1997). The use of metacommunication in compliance: Door-in-the-face and single-request strategies. The Journal of Social Psychology. 137: 88—94. doi:10.1080/00224549709595416.
  • MacDonald, G.; Nail, P. R.; Harper, J. R. (2011). Do people use reverse psychology? An exploration of strategic self-anticonformity. Social Influence. 6: 1—14. doi:10.1080/15534510.2010.517282.
  • Pascual, A.; Guéguen, N. (2006). Door-in-the-face technique and monetary solicitation: An evaluation in a field setting. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 103 (3): 974—978. doi:10.2466/pms.103.3.974-978. PMID 17326529.
  • Ebster, C.; Neumayr, B. (2008). Applying the door-in-the-face compliance technique to retailing. The International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research. 18: 121—128. doi:10.1080/09593960701778226.
  • Guéguen, N.; Jacob, C.; Meineri, S. (2011). Effects of the door-in-the-face technique on restaurant customers' behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 30 (3): 759—761. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2010.12.010.
  • Chan, A. C.; Au, T. K. (2011). Getting children to do more academic work: Foot-in-the-door versus door-in-the-face. Teaching and Teacher Education. 27 (6): 982—985. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.04.007. {{cite journal}}: |hdl-access= вимагає |hdl= (довідка)
  • Guéguen, N. (2003). Fund-raising on the web: The effect of an electronic door-in-the-face technique on compliance to a request. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 6 (2): 189—193. doi:10.1089/109493103321640383. PMID 12804031.
  • Eastwick, P. W.; Gardner, W. L. (2009). Is it a game? Evidence for social influence in the virtual world. Social Influence. 4: 18—32. doi:10.1080/15534510802254087.
  • Dolinski, D. (2011). A rock or a hard place: The foot-in-the-face technique for inducing compliance without pressure. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 41 (6): 1514—1537. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2011.00758.x.



