Burrell, Jackie (May 19, 2014). «Amazing Race All-Star Winners: And the winner is (spoiler!!)». The San Jose Mercury News. Accessed June 9, 2014. «Brendan has promised his bride that if they win the million bucks, she can have a baby, a factlet that keeps coming up in the most manipulative and unsavory ways». (italics added)
Wright, Johnathan L. (May 26, 2014). «In One Ear: Cherchez the sparkle at jewelry fundraiser; Cakebread dinner». Reno Gazette Journal. Accessed June 9, 2014. «The chardonnay made its entrance next on the arm of rabbit loin wrapped in serrano ham (little food factlet for you: serrano ham couldn't be imported to the United States until 1997, when the pigs used in the ham were certified as free from African swine disease)». (italics added)
Madrigal, Alexis C. (March 29, 2012). «Down With Factoid! Up With Factlet!». The Atlantic. Accessed June 9, 2014. «Factoid is now almost exclusively used to mean a brief interesting fact … ought instead to use another word for a small probably unimportant but interesting fact».