Числа в Єгипетській міфології (Ukrainian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Числа в Єгипетській міфології" in Ukrainian language version.

Global rank Ukrainian rank
low place
2,438th place
low place
low place
654th place
3,903rd place





  • "Meaning in Many: The Symbolism of Numbers, " Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art, by Richard H. Wilkinson[en], Thames and Hudson, 1994, page 127.
  • "Meaning in Many: The Symbolism of Numbers, " Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art, by Richard H. Wilkinson[en], Thames and Hudson, 1994, page 131–133.
  • "The Tradition of Seven Lean Years in Egypt, " The Ancient Near East Volume 1, Джеймс Беннетт Прітчард[en], ed., page 24-27. Princeton University Press, 1958.
  • "The Tradition of Seven Lean Years in Egypt, " The Ancient Near East Volume 1, James B. Pritchard[en], ed., page 26. Princeton University Press, 1958.