Шарлотта Весселс (Ukrainian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Шарлотта Весселс" in Ukrainian language version.

Global rank Ukrainian rank
low place
low place
14th place
18th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place


  • Sabrina; Guillaume (14 січня 2015). Interview with Charlotte Wessels (DELAIN). metalchestofwonders.com. Paris, France. Архів оригіналу за 2 січня 2018. I've been aiming on having a complete vegan diet for a long time but I still cheat every now and then. Some things are very hard to get rid of even if there are plenty of good alternatives. I still cheat with cheese [...] Before going to the whole vegan thing, everybody told me : it's so hard, you're not going to be able to keep up. Actually, for 98% it's so easy. {{cite web}}: Cite має пустий невідомий параметр: |df= (довідка)



  • Sabrina; Guillaume (14 січня 2015). Interview with Charlotte Wessels (DELAIN). metalchestofwonders.com. Paris, France. Архів оригіналу за 2 січня 2018. I've been aiming on having a complete vegan diet for a long time but I still cheat every now and then. Some things are very hard to get rid of even if there are plenty of good alternatives. I still cheat with cheese [...] Before going to the whole vegan thing, everybody told me : it's so hard, you're not going to be able to keep up. Actually, for 98% it's so easy. {{cite web}}: Cite має пустий невідомий параметр: |df= (довідка)
