[In Armenian sources the toparchs of the Armeno-K‛art‛velian frontier are known as bdeašxes of the
March of Virk‛ (Վիրք, “Iberia”, i.e., K‛art‛li), also called
Gugark‛ (Գգարք; Gk. Gogarēnē, Γωγαρηνή). But from the eastern Georgian point of view, these bidaxšes administered the
Armenian March,
Somxit‛i (სომხითი). In Old Georgian “Armenia” – especially
Arsacid Armenia and then
Persarmenia[en] – is normally designated by the nearly identical term
Somxet‛i (სომხეთი). In some cases, received sources use Somxit‛i and Somxet‛i interchangeably, a situation probably arising from the confusion of later scribes and authors who no longer perceived the distinction. Both toponyms derive from
samxret‛i (სამხრეთი), “south”. Thus, the K‛art‛velians called the marchlands '
Somxit‛i, the
Armenia or
Southern March, whereas the Armenians called the same territory the
March of Virk‛ (K‛art‛li) and, alternately, Gugark‛. p.67]
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