Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "بحر الکاہل کے جزائر کی فہرست" in Urdu language version.
{{حوالہ کتاب}}
: الوسيط غير المعروف |dead-url=
تم تجاهله (معاونت)This is the only contemporary text on the Pacific Islands that covers both environment and sociocultural issues and will thus be indispensable for any serious student of the region. Unlike other reviews, it treats the entirety of Oceania (with the exception of Australia) and is well illustrated with numerous photos and maps, including a regional atlas.– via جے اسٹور (رکنیت درکار)
{{حوالہ کتاب}}
: الوسيط غير المعروف |dead-url=
تم تجاهله (معاونت)