سپر گرل (Urdu Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "سپر گرل" in Urdu language version.

Global rank Urdu rank
low place
1,045th place


  • Ashiq Ali Hujra Shah Muqeem (23 اگست 2018ء)۔ "The posters are old and worn, feel free to enquire about the extent of wear and tear about any specific poster that may interest you."۔ www.desimovies.biz۔ Original Poster of Super Girl (1989) Sultan Rahi, Anjuman, Gori, Humayun Qureshi, Rangeela, Albela, Qavi, Zubair۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2019-08-24[مردہ ربط]