مشال خان کا قتل (Urdu Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "مشال خان کا قتل" in Urdu language version.

Global rank Urdu rank
1st place
1st place
low place
5,025th place
1,021st place
1,219th place
612th place
1,033rd place
204th place
110th place
354th place
6th place






  • "'Skull caved in': Pakistani journalism student beaten to death for 'blasphemy' (GRAPHIC VIDEO)". RT International (بزبان en-EN). Archived from the original on 2018-12-26. Retrieved 2017-04-15.{{حوالہ خبر}}: اسلوب حوالہ: نامعلوم زبان (link)


  • "'Skull caved in': Pakistani journalism student beaten to death for 'blasphemy' (GRAPHIC VIDEO)". RT International (بزبان en-EN). Archived from the original on 2018-12-26. Retrieved 2017-04-15.{{حوالہ خبر}}: اسلوب حوالہ: نامعلوم زبان (link)
  • "Pakistan 'blasphemy killing': murdered student 'devoted to Islam'"۔ euronews۔ 14 اپریل 2017۔ 2018-12-26 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2017-04-15
  • Deutsche Welle (www.dw.com). "Pakistan journalism student latest victim of blasphemy vigilantes". DW.COM (بزبان انگریزی). Archived from the original on 2018-12-26. Retrieved 2017-04-15.