جبرائیل (Urdu Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "جبرائیل" in Urdu language version.

Global rank Urdu rank
1st place
1st place
3rd place
3rd place
5th place
16th place
7,918th place
3,351st place
low place
1,153rd place
70th place
116th place
4,371st place
2,797th place
3,575th place
3,065th place
low place
1,253rd place


  • Julie Zimmerman۔ "Friar Jack's Catechism Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on Angels"۔ AmericanCatholic.org۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2012-02-16







  • OrthodoxWiki۔ "Archangel Gabriel" (Internet)۔ OrthodoxWiki۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2013-11-15۔ Because the Angels are incorporeal beings, though they nevertheless take on human form when appearing to mankind, it can be difficult to differentiate one from another in icons. However, Gabriel is usually portrayed with certain distinguishing characteristics. He typically wears blue or white garments; he holds either a lily (representing the Theotokos)، a trumpet, a shining lantern, a branch from Paradise presented to him by the Theotokos, or a spear in his right hand and often a mirror—made of jasper and with a Χ (the first letter of Christ (Χριστος) in Greek)—in his left hand. He should not be He should not be confused with the Archangel Michael, who carries a sword, shield, date-tree branch, and in the other hand a spear, white banner (possibly with scarlet cross) and tends to wear red. Michael's specific mission is to suppress enemies of the true Church (hence the military theme)، while Gabriel's is to announce mankind's salvation.



  • Julie Zimmerman۔ "Friar Jack's Catechism Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on Angels"۔ AmericanCatholic.org۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2012-02-16
  • OrthodoxWiki۔ "Archangel Gabriel" (Internet)۔ OrthodoxWiki۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2013-11-15۔ Because the Angels are incorporeal beings, though they nevertheless take on human form when appearing to mankind, it can be difficult to differentiate one from another in icons. However, Gabriel is usually portrayed with certain distinguishing characteristics. He typically wears blue or white garments; he holds either a lily (representing the Theotokos)، a trumpet, a shining lantern, a branch from Paradise presented to him by the Theotokos, or a spear in his right hand and often a mirror—made of jasper and with a Χ (the first letter of Christ (Χριστος) in Greek)—in his left hand. He should not be He should not be confused with the Archangel Michael, who carries a sword, shield, date-tree branch, and in the other hand a spear, white banner (possibly with scarlet cross) and tends to wear red. Michael's specific mission is to suppress enemies of the true Church (hence the military theme)، while Gabriel's is to announce mankind's salvation.
  • Catholic Online۔ "St. Gabriel, the Archangel"۔ Catholic.org۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2013-11-15
