سانتا ماریا ماجیورے (Urdu Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "سانتا ماریا ماجیورے" in Urdu language version.

Global rank Urdu rank
1st place
1st place
281st place
1,689th place
104th place
96th place



  • "Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura"۔ Whc.unesco.org۔ 2011-06-29 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2011-06-17



  • The actual, official name seems to vary: the Holy See's press office uses "Papal Liberian Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome" in English in a 2011 note آرکائیو شدہ 3 مارچ 2013 بذریعہ وے بیک مشین, while the official Vatican site for the Basilica uses various formulas not including "Liberian" or Liberiana, some under a coat of arms that includes "basilica Liberiana" in Italian.
  • "Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura"۔ Whc.unesco.org۔ 2011-06-29 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2011-06-17