سرکاری زبانوں کی فہرست بلحاظ ریاست (Urdu Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "سرکاری زبانوں کی فہرست بلحاظ ریاست" in Urdu language version.

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2,682nd place
8th place
17th place
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  • Article 152 of the Constitution of Malaysia designated Malay as the قومی زبان۔ Section 2 of that article allowed انگریزی to be used سرکاریly until otherwise provided by Parliament. In 1967, the پارلیمان ملائیشیا passed the قومی زبان Act, making Malay the سرکاری زبان of Malaysia. The act does, however, allow the use of انگریزی for some سرکاری purposes. On 11 July 1990, following the amendment of the قومی زبان Act 1963/67 (Act 32) (Revised in 1971), Malay replaced انگریزی as the سرکاری زبان of the courts in West Malaysia. The amending Act provided انگریزی to be used Courts in West Malaysia where it deems necessary interest of Justice. East Malaysia continued using انگریزی as the سرکاری زبان ir courts.[38] Since 2007, the سرکاری policy is to refer to the قومی زبان as the Malaysian language (Bahasa Malaysia), although legislation still refers to the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu).









  • "Angola"۔ The World Factbook۔ Central Intelligence Agency۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • "The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency"۔ 2011-08-16 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/wa.html آرکائیو شدہ (Date missing) بذریعہ cia.gov (Error: unknown archive URL) 32% Namibians speak German



  • "Implementation of the Charter in Cyprus"، Database for the European Charter for علاقائی or اقلیتی زبانs، Public Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research، اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2013-08-11




  • Aija Priedīte (2005)۔ "Surveying Language Attitudes اور Practices in Latvia"۔ Journal of Multilingual اور Multicultural Development۔ ج 26 شمارہ 5: 409–424۔ DOI:10.1080/01434630508668413۔ ISSN:0143-4632<quote>In 1992, following further amendments to this directive, Latvian was established as the only سرکاری زبان۔ It took 410 Journal of Multilingual اور Multicultural Development seven more years before the State language law was adopted in 1999, with further amendments years 2000, 2001 اور 2002.</quote>












  • Slovak language is defined as سرکاری زبان together with Czech language by several laws – e.g. law 500/2004, 337/1992. Source: http://portal.gov.cz. Cited: "Například Správní řád (zákon č. 500/2004 Sb.) stanovuje: "V řízení se jedná a písemnosti se vyhotovují v českém jazyce. Účastníci řízení mohou jednat a písemnosti mohou být předkládány i v jazyce slovenském..." (§16, odstavec 1). Zákon o správě daní a poplatků (337/1992 Sb.) „Úřední jazyk: Před správcem daně se jedná v jazyce českém nebo slovenském. Veškerá písemná podání se předkládají v češtině nebo slovenštině..." (§ 3, odstavec 1). http://portal.gov.cz


  • Aija Priedīte (2005)۔ "Surveying Language Attitudes اور Practices in Latvia"۔ Journal of Multilingual اور Multicultural Development۔ ج 26 شمارہ 5: 409–424۔ DOI:10.1080/01434630508668413۔ ISSN:0143-4632<quote>In 1992, following further amendments to this directive, Latvian was established as the only سرکاری زبان۔ It took 410 Journal of Multilingual اور Multicultural Development seven more years before the State language law was adopted in 1999, with further amendments years 2000, 2001 اور 2002.</quote>
























  • Citizens belonging to minorities, which traditionally اور on long-term basis live with territory of the Czech Republic, enjoy the right to use their language in communication with authorities اور in front of the courts of law (for the list of recognized minorities see قومی Minorities Policy of the Government of the Czech Republic). The article 25 of the Czech Charter of Fundamental Rights اور Basic Freedoms ensures right of the قومی اور ethnic minorities for education اور communication with authorities ir own language. Act No. 500/2004 Coll. (The Administrative Rule) in its paragraph 16 (4) (Procedural Language) ensures, that a citizen of the Czech Republic, who belongs to a قومی or an ethnic minority, which traditionally اور on long-term basis lives with territory of the Czech Republic, have right to address an administrative agency اور proceed before it language of the minority. In case that the administrative agency doesn't have an employee with knowledge of the language, the agency is bound to obtain a translator at the agency's own expense. According to Act No. 273/2001 (About The Rights of Members of Minorities) paragraph 9 (The right to use language of a قومی minority in dealing with authorities اور in front of the courts of law) the same applies for the members of قومی minorities also in front of the courts of law.


  • "Angola"۔ The World Factbook۔ Central Intelligence Agency۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • "Pomerode institui língua alemã como co-oficial no Município."۔ 2012-05-30 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • "Lei dispõe sobre a cooficialização da língua pomerana no município de Santa maria de Jetibá, Estado do اسپیریتو سانتو"۔ 2012-04-02 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • "Cooficialização da língua alemã em Antônio Carlos"۔ 2012-04-02 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus (PDF)۔ 1960۔ art. 3, § 1۔ 2013-12-03 کو اصل (PDF) سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • "The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency"۔ 2011-08-16 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-02-19
  • "Article 3 – Language"۔ The Constitution of The Republic of Namibia۔ orusovo.com۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2008-04-23
  • "United Kingdom; Key Facts"۔ Commonwealth Secretariat۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2008-04-23
  • "Cornish gains سرکاری recognition"۔ BBC News۔ 6 نومبر 2002۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2008-05-08
  • "Taiwan Information: People اور Language"۔ Asia-planet.net (Information provided by Tourism Bureau, ROC)۔ 2018-12-25 کو اصل سے آرکائیو کیا گیا۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2009-08-30



  • Article 152 of the Constitution of Malaysia designated Malay as the قومی زبان۔ Section 2 of that article allowed انگریزی to be used سرکاریly until otherwise provided by Parliament. In 1967, the پارلیمان ملائیشیا passed the قومی زبان Act, making Malay the سرکاری زبان of Malaysia. The act does, however, allow the use of انگریزی for some سرکاری purposes. On 11 July 1990, following the amendment of the قومی زبان Act 1963/67 (Act 32) (Revised in 1971), Malay replaced انگریزی as the سرکاری زبان of the courts in West Malaysia. The amending Act provided انگریزی to be used Courts in West Malaysia where it deems necessary interest of Justice. East Malaysia continued using انگریزی as the سرکاری زبان ir courts.[38] Since 2007, the سرکاری policy is to refer to the قومی زبان as the Malaysian language (Bahasa Malaysia), although legislation still refers to the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu).


  • Aija Priedīte (2005)۔ "Surveying Language Attitudes اور Practices in Latvia"۔ Journal of Multilingual اور Multicultural Development۔ ج 26 شمارہ 5: 409–424۔ DOI:10.1080/01434630508668413۔ ISSN:0143-4632<quote>In 1992, following further amendments to this directive, Latvian was established as the only سرکاری زبان۔ It took 410 Journal of Multilingual اور Multicultural Development seven more years before the State language law was adopted in 1999, with further amendments years 2000, 2001 اور 2002.</quote>
