Abu Ali ibn Sino (Uzbek Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Abu Ali ibn Sino" in Uzbek language version.

Global rank Uzbek rank
1st place
1st place
27th place
251st place
40th place
16th place
163rd place
215th place
3rd place
4th place


  • Henry Corbin, „«The Voyage and the messenger: Iran and Philosophy»“. 2016-yil 12-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.. – North Atlantic Books, 1998. – P. 74 Tsitata:"Whereas the name of Avicenna (Ibn sinda, died 1037) is generally listed as chronologically first among noteworthy Iranian philosophers, recent evidence has revealed previous existence of Ismaili philosophical systems with a structure no less complete than of Avicenna".



  • A. J. Arberry, „«Avicenna on Theology»“. 2015-yil 27-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. – KAZI PUBN INC, 1995. excerpt: "Avicenna was the greatest of all Persian thinkers; as physician and metaphysician"




  • Avitsenna // Ensiklopedicheskiy slovar / pod red. I. Ye. Andreevskiy – SPb.: Brokgauz – Yefron, 1890. – T. I. – S. 82.