Henry Corbin, „«The Voyage and the messenger: Iran and Philosophy»“. 2016-yil 12-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.. – North Atlantic Books, 1998. – P. 74 Tsitata:"Whereas the name of Avicenna (Ibn sinda, died 1037) is generally listed as chronologically first among noteworthy Iranian philosophers, recent evidence has revealed previous existence of Ismaili philosophical systems with a structure no less complete than of Avicenna".
A. J. Arberry, „«Avicenna on Theology»“. 2015-yil 27-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. – KAZI PUBN INC, 1995. excerpt: "Avicenna was the greatest of all Persian thinkers; as physician and metaphysician"
A. J. Arberry, „«Avicenna on Theology»“. 2015-yil 27-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. – KAZI PUBN INC, 1995. excerpt: "Avicenna was the greatest of all Persian thinkers; as physician and metaphysician"
Henry Corbin, „«The Voyage and the messenger: Iran and Philosophy»“. 2016-yil 12-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.. – North Atlantic Books, 1998. – P. 74 Tsitata:"Whereas the name of Avicenna (Ibn sinda, died 1037) is generally listed as chronologically first among noteworthy Iranian philosophers, recent evidence has revealed previous existence of Ismaili philosophical systems with a structure no less complete than of Avicenna".
Avitsenna // Ensiklopedicheskiy slovar / pod red. I. Ye. Andreevskiy – SPb.: Brokgauz – Yefron, 1890. – T. I. – S. 82.