„Stage 2 of the Port River Expressway“. South Australian Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (2008-yil 25-iyun). 2007-yil 21-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2008-yil 25-may.
„Stage 2 of the Port River Expressway“. South Australian Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (2008-yil 25-iyun). 2007-yil 21-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2008-yil 25-may.
History Trust of South Australia.„About Us“. Government of South Australia. 2009-yil 11-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2010-yil 1-fevral.
Port Adelaide Visitor Information Centre.„The Australian Museum of Childhood“. City of Port Adelaide and Enfield. 2009-yil 13-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2010-yil 1-fevral.
History Trust of South Australia.„About Us“. Government of South Australia. 2009-yil 11-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2010-yil 1-fevral.
Port Adelaide Visitor Information Centre.„The Australian Museum of Childhood“. City of Port Adelaide and Enfield. 2009-yil 13-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2010-yil 1-fevral.