Olson, James Stuart. An ethnohistorical dictionary of the Russian and Soviet empires, 1. publ., Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1994 — 73-bet. ISBN 9780313274978. „For months, the APF remained a groups of intellectuals with neither official status nor a mass following. Its singular appeal centered on anti-Armenianism, a problem that became more acute after the fall of 1989 when some 200,000 Azerbaijani refugees arrived from Armenian and the NKAO. Since Azerbaijanis were not particularly interested in political reform and since these refugees tended to be very activist and vocal, emphasizing anti-Armenianism became the quickest way to blind some semblance of mass appeal. The Azerbaijanis government's unwillingness to adopt the APF's anti-Armenian agenda resulted in a series of strikes, including a transportation strike aimed at blocking the shipment of supplies to both Armenia and the NKAO.“
Human Rights Watch. Playing the "Communal Card": Communal Violence and Human Rights, New York, 1995 — 148–149-bet. ISBN 9781564321527. „By January 1990, Azerbaijan, especially its capital, Baku, were in turmoil. Large rallies by the Azerbaijani Popular Front, the main opposition group, crowded Baku's streets. The rhetoric of these gatherings was heavily anti-Armenian. On 13-yanvar 1990-yil, a second set of anti-Armenian pogroms convulsed the city, taking forty-eight lives.“
„Report on Azerbaijan“. Strasbourg: European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (15-aprel 2003-yil). — „Due to the conflict, there is a widespread negative sentiment toward Armenians in Azerbaijani society today." "In general, hate-speech and derogatory public statements against Armenians take place routinely.“. 21-sentabr 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 22-yanvar 2013-yil.
(ruscha)Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Russia in Global Affairs„Первый и неразрешимый“. Vzglyad (2-avgust 2011-yil). Qaraldi: 12-yanvar 2013-yil. „Армянофобия – институциональная часть современной азербайджанской государственности, и, конечно, Карабах в центре этого всего. "Armenophobia is the institutional part of the modern Azerbaijani statehood and Karabakh is in the center of it."“.
„Report on Azerbaijan“. Strasbourg: European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (15-aprel 2003-yil). — „Due to the conflict, there is a widespread negative sentiment toward Armenians in Azerbaijani society today." "In general, hate-speech and derogatory public statements against Armenians take place routinely.“. 21-sentabr 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 22-yanvar 2013-yil.
(ruscha)Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Russia in Global Affairs„Первый и неразрешимый“. Vzglyad (2-avgust 2011-yil). Qaraldi: 12-yanvar 2013-yil. „Армянофобия – институциональная часть современной азербайджанской государственности, и, конечно, Карабах в центре этого всего. "Armenophobia is the institutional part of the modern Azerbaijani statehood and Karabakh is in the center of it."“.