Ervad Shams-Ul-Ulama Dr. Sir Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, Translated by Soli Dastur (1926), My Travels Outside Bombay: Iran, Azerbaijan, BakuFarroukh Isfandzadeh … Not just me but any Parsee who is a little familiar with our Hindu brethrenʼs religion, their temples and their customs, after examining this building with its inscriptions, architecture, etc., would conclude that this is not a Parsee Atash Kadeh but is a Hindu Temple … informed me that some 40 years ago, the Russian Czar, Alexander III, visited this place with a desire to witness the Hindu Brahmin Fire ritual … gathered a few Brahmins still living here and they performed the fire ritual in this room in front of the Czar … I asked for a tall ladder and with trepidation I climbed to the top of the building and examined the foundation stone which was inscribed in the Nagrik [or Nagari] script … the installation date is mentioned as the Hindu Vikramaajeet calendar year 1866 (equivalent to 1810 A. D.) …"
Alakbarov, Farid (Summer 2003), „Observations from the Ancients“, Azerbaijan International 11 (2): „“according to historical sources, before the construction of the Indian Temple of Fire (Atashgah) in Surakhani at the end of the 17th century, the local people also worshiped at this site because of the 'seven holes with burning flameʼ.""
The Indian diaspora in Central Asia and its trade, 1550—1900 (Wayback Machine saytida 2011-09-10 sanasida arxivlangan) "… George Forster … On the 31st of March, I visited the Atashghah, or place of fire; and on making myself known to the Hindoo mendicants, who resided there, I was received among these sons of Brihma as a brother; an appellation they used on perceiving that I had acquired some knowledge of their mythology, and had visited their most sacred places of worship …"
Gevond. Istoriya khalifov vardapeta Gevonda, pisatelya VIII v., per. s arm. K. Patkanova, SPb, 1862:"Posle nego vlastvuyet Sham ili Geshm v prodolzheniye 19-ti let. V pervyy god svoyego pravleniya on vozymel zlobnoye namereniye i otpravil voyenachal’nika Gerta proizvesti pogolovnuyu perepis' v Armenii dlya bol’shego yeshche otyagcheniya rabstva nashego, chtoby podvergnutʼ nas raznogo roda bedstviyam. On poritsal shchedrostʼ Omara i obvinyal yego v tom, „chto on nezakonno istratil sokrovishcha, sobrannyye yego predshestvennikami“; i mnogo prichinil on bedstviy Armenii (do togo), chto vse stonali ot gor’kikh pritesneniy, i ne bylo nikakoy vozmozhnosti izbavitʼsya ot nevynosimykh bedstviy. S tekh por ruka yego yeshche boleye otyagotila nad Armeniyey. V to zhe vremya nachalis' bespokoystva v stranakh severnykh; ibo tsar' khazarskiy, Khagan, umer. Matʼ yego, Parsbit, prikazala polkovodtsu Tarmachu sobratʼ ogromnoye voysko i vesti yego na Armeniyu; [72] i polkovodets vystupil s sobrannym voyskom, i poshel cherez zemlyu Gunnov i cherez prokhod Dzhorskiy, po zemle Maskutov, i sdelal nabeg na stranu Paytakaran. On perepravilsya cherez reku Araks v Persiyu, razrushil Artavet, Gandzak-Shagastan, oblastʼ, nazyvayemuyu Atshi-Baguan, Spatar-Peroz i Ormizd-Peroz."
The Indian diaspora in Central Asia and its trade, 1550—1900 (Wayback Machine saytida 2011-09-10 sanasida arxivlangan) "… George Forster … On the 31st of March, I visited the Atashghah, or place of fire; and on making myself known to the Hindoo mendicants, who resided there, I was received among these sons of Brihma as a brother; an appellation they used on perceiving that I had acquired some knowledge of their mythology, and had visited their most sacred places of worship …"