Berkvist, Robert. „Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84.“. The New York Times (6-aprel 2008-yil). 23-may 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 6-aprel 2008-yil. „Charlton Heston, who appeared in some 100 films in his 60-year acting career, but who is remembered especially chiefly for his monumental, jut-jawed portrayals of Moses, Ben-Hur and Michelangelo, died Saturday night at his home in Beverly Hills, California. He was 84.“.
Berkvist, Robert. „Charlton Heston, Epic Film Star and Voice of N.R.A., Dies at 84.“. The New York Times (6-aprel 2008-yil). 23-may 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 6-aprel 2008-yil. „Charlton Heston, who appeared in some 100 films in his 60-year acting career, but who is remembered especially chiefly for his monumental, jut-jawed portrayals of Moses, Ben-Hur and Michelangelo, died Saturday night at his home in Beverly Hills, California. He was 84.“.